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Monthly CO2 Update

Started by K-Dog, Jun 30, 2023, 11:19 AM

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Not many environmental stats the FSoA compares well against other countries with, but at least on making a marginal improvement here with a slower increase in use of FFs for energy production than most other countries.  Mind you, that DOES NOT mean we decreased our use of FFs.  It only means our rate of increase slowed down by a pretty pathetic -2.7%.  That still a lot better than the Billions of Indians, who increased their consumption by a whopping 9%.

Looked at as a Global Carbon Balance Sheet, we're a loooong way from net zero, much less reducing the carbon footprint of Industrial Civilization.



This newz will not surprise long term readers of the Diner.  Back in 2015 when the Paris accords were drafted I predicted the goal was DOOMED from the get-go, and the annual records for hottest year ever ratcheting up each year since made it obvious.  Nevertheless, staying under an increase of 1.5C has remained the stated goal at each COP conference.  Which made every conference a ridiculous waste of time.

Now the main question is when one of the "tipping points" will be reached and we go from incrementally deteriorating climate conditions to radically altered ones in the space of a decade or even a single growing season.  Climatically as well as economically and politically, we live under the Sword of Damocles, awaiting its inescapable drop.  Which one will be first and when will it come?  How will society react and adapt or die?  Those are the questions that keep the Diner interesting.

World's 1.5C climate target 'deader than a doornail', experts say



There's very little suspense in these monthly CO2 reports, you know it's going up.  The only interesting question is "How much this time?"  Answer in this case, another record.  Given that the 1.5C target is now history, they're going to need to come up with some new goal to shoot for at the next big COP tet-a-tet.  Of course no matter WHAT goal they set odds are they won't achieve it, having the goals is important to document how epically we're failing at keeping the planet a habitable home for living organisms.  This way, once we're down to  the last 10K homo saps, they'll finally look at the history and say, "Wow, how fucking stupid can you get?"



From the article:
QuoteWith observations from satellites, however, it is now possible to directly measure the average global level of atmospheric CO2. According to CAMS, it rose by 2.9 ppm in 2024. That isn't a record, but it is one of the biggest increases since satellite observations began.
So even though the Mauna Loa measurement is clickbait cherry picked OMG, 2.9 ppm a year keeps the upward trend going right along.
I also wonder at the statement "since observations began." The CAMS site isn't easily giving up data. Maybe those numbers reside elswhere in an easier to access form?