This Woman Turned Her Tesla Model 3 Into a Pickup Truck

Started by K-Dog, Jul 05, 2023, 09:20 AM

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No surprise the Chinese will respond with tariffs on FSoA carz.  Not sure how many of these are sold in China or how big a source of profit that is for the Big 3 automakers here, but it's definitely more than what the Chinese make selling EVs here now, since that number is practically zero.

Asmentioned before, this political move has just about no economic upside and justification.  Only question is how long it takes to develop blowback.

The Electric Vehicle Tariff War Will Just Make Everyone Poor



Not that anything The Donald says ever makes sense, but it's hard to see the point of this promise.  If people don't want an EV, nobody is forcing them (yet) to buy one.  FSoA automakerss are still making the big V8 powered SUVs & trucks rednecks love.  How could he stop it?  I suppose taking away the tax credit for buying them would depress the sales, but they're supposed to go away anyhow.

I would think promising to make them CHEAPER would appeal to Amerikans who need a bargain on something these days.

Anybody think they can explain this?

Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales



Quote from: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AMNot that anything The Donald says ever makes sense, but it's hard to see the point of this promise.  If people don't want an EV, nobody is forcing them (yet) to buy one.
Your idea on what happens between now and when California tries to make it happen?

Quote from: REAnybody think they can explain this?
Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
Sure. Trump says stupid shit in the moment because he's a charlatan and stupid shit sounds good, couldn't explain it himself if you asked him, so if he can't explain it, can anyone else do it on his behalf without proving they have a mind meld with a halfwit?


Quote from: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AMNot that anything The Donald says ever makes sense, but it's hard to see the point of this promise.  If people don't want an EV, nobody is forcing them (yet) to buy one.  FSoA automakerss are still making the big V8 powered SUVs & trucks rednecks love.  How could he stop it?  I suppose taking away the tax credit for buying them would depress the sales, but they're supposed to go away anyhow.

I would think promising to make them CHEAPER would appeal to Amerikans who need a bargain on something these days.

Anybody think they can explain this?

Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales


Easy to explain.  Duck soup really.

Concerning climate change. Donald Trump would put Greta Thunberg on a spit and roast her over an open fire and then put an apple in her mouth afterwards if he could.

Trump is big oil and money all the way.  This should be a surprise why?

But electric cars are big government and regulation up the ying-yang all of which is hated by the Trump base.  Hated but don't ask them to explain it, they can't.

On the other hand.  Biden is Mr. Status Quo, save the planet doncha-know.  The following is wrong, and I give it the gong.  But it has to unfortunately be seen to be discussed.  As painful as that is.

QuoteWhile a Trump presidency couldn't slam the brakes on the E.V. transition, it could throw enough sand in the gears to slow it down. And that might have significant consequences for the fight to stop global warming.

President Biden placed electric vehicles at the heart of his climate agenda because scientists say that a rapid switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric versions is one of the most effective ways to slow the carbon dioxide emissions that are dangerously heating the planet. Last year was the hottest in recorded history and scientists say the world is on track to heat up even more, to the point where parts of the planet will be unlivable.

Total bullshit from Chief Fossil Lynchpin.  The square-knot tying together the boomer and great generations.  The current power-holder who inflicts his ignorance on equally ignorant masses.  Some of whom will also abuse power when their time comes.

The planet is in overshoot, massive changes in living arrangements is the only way a new dark age can be avoided.  Any attempt to maintain current arrangements is criminal and I pray for justice.  Justice because what people like Mr. Biden are bringing to America is total disaster.  Biden and other members of the Status-Quo liberal crowd dream of a fantasy future that reality can't maintain.  When their grand experiment flops, pain and suffering for all will be the reward.

Fun Fact.  After all considerations are factored in.  Electric cars don't reduce carbon emissions.  But you have to be able to do math to understand this.  And that is not even enough.  Sadly many who can do math have trouble seeing a 'big picture'.  They are narrow in focus.

Looking at the big picture is necessary for comprehension here.  Two contradictory skills are required to understand environmental reality.  Finding both abilities in one person is rare.

Carbon Fee and Dividend is the answer.  Local economies that can support a closed system of sustainable lead-acid powered electric cars would be a more appropriate electric car than a Musk Husk.

A Mush Husk is designed to compete directly with gasoline and diesel cars, It does not have a smaller carbon footprint than a gasoline equivalent.

Lead Acid cars would work better because range is limited to 100 miles and max speed would be 60 mph.  Half of what a Musk Husk can do both ways.  Reduced capability is better than everyone starving to death. 

And this is why,

Trump and Biden are both criminal.  Both men care nothing for anybody but themselves and their tribe.

Less can be more.  But in America I can't be believed.  Americans are brainwashed into denying reality and get angry if their delusions are discussed.  Can a country which thinks gender is a choice possibly understand that running out of stuff can really happen?

I think not, and unfortunately I know not!  In America delusion is stronger than science.

Quotebecause scientists say that a rapid switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric versions is one of the most effective ways to slow the carbon dioxide emissions that are dangerously heating the planet.

Just what the doctor ordered.  Same tune, different decade.  At the time every brand had Scientists and Doctors explaining the health benefits of their smoke.  This is just the add I chose to post.  I had many choices.

Science exists, but that does not mean all scientists do it.  The green revolution is a dream without steam which blossoms with delusion.

How do the Apples and Oranges compare?

Without considering Jevons Paradox which makes the carbon footprint of car use in general greater, the savings by going electric as things are now is minimal.

I won't burden you with the math, I did it.

Gasoline Car: 0.356 kg CO₂ per mile.

Tesla Electric Car (coal-powered power plant): 0.318 kg CO₂ per mile.

The final ratio is approximately 0.893.

A Tesla charged from a coal-fired power plant, produces about 89.3% of the CO₂ per mile of a typical gas powered car. The Tesla's emissions are only about 10.7% lower.  The energy will be cleaner you say?  Where else can you get it I'll ask.

I have not yet considered the carbon footprint of building the Tesla.

Producing a 75 kWh Tesla battery pack uses about 13,125 kWh of energy.  This requires   about 5.97 tons of coal.  This energy is equivalent to charging the battery 175 times.

Including this in the calculation TOTALLY NEGATES the 10.7% lower emissions per mile.

The mileage lifetime at which TOTAL CO₂ emissions of a Tesla electric car EQUALS those of a gas powered car is 164,803 miles given the data considered.  The data has ONLY considered the power needed to build a Tesla battery.  There are other considerations such as the carbon footprint of a lithium mine.  Where does the energy come from to double the size of the poser grid? 

Beyond 164,803 miles, a Tesla would have lower total CO₂ emissions than a gasoline car.  Below this mileage a Tesla pollutes more than a gas powered car does.

That figure is in the range of how long an average American car lasts and it takes between 11 and 15 years to accumulate that much mileage.  Accidents resulting in lost cars further reduce the average lifetime of a car to less than 10 years.

Electric cars are not an environmental wash, they result in a loss.  And I have not discussed the required mining operations needed to support battery production and power distribution.  Both of which have huge environmental impacts.


Quote from: K-Dog on May 28, 2024, 04:24 PMTrump is big oil and money all the way.  This should be a surprise why?

It's not, but I still don't see why a promise to get rid of EVs gets him more votes.  It might appeal to people stupid enough already to support him, but of those who currently are Undecided, which gets more votes- promising to get rid of EVs or promising cheaper EVs?

You are right of course that as long as the power to charge the EV fleet is coming predominantly from FF fired thermal power plants, there is little if any reduction in total CO2 emissions.  Plus additional environmental damage from the Lithium mining as long as that is the predominant battery chemistry used.

So, neither candidate is proposing a solution that will work, but which one sells to the most as yet uncommitted voters?  Or does that not even matter anymore?  Is it now strictly a matter of ideology combined with a "throw the bums out" psychology where people vote for whoever is NOT currently in office because whoever is in office is held responsible for the collapsing economic and social success of the society?



Quote from: K-Dog on May 28, 2024, 04:24 PM
Quote from: RE on May 28, 2024, 10:07 AMAnybody think they can explain this?
Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
Trump is big oil and money all the way.  This should be a surprise why?
Trump doesn't have the balls or brains to BE big oil. Or little oil. Or microscopic oil. He's a semi-literate grifter of the first order and, and that shit don't fly in the oil field. Only results do.


Quote from: K-Dog on May 28, 2024, 04:24 PMElectric cars are not an environmental wash, they result in a loss.  And I have not discussed the required mining operations needed to support battery production and power distribution.  Both of which have huge environmental impacts.
Similar to ICE powered cages like...a Benz perhaps? So...effectively, neither ICE cagers nor Benz cagers give a shit about the environment?

Perhaps EV cagers using solar panels to fuel their cage have an advantage in "the holier than thou" department? Certainly cagers doing the "stomp and steer" routine are in cages for a reason, regardless.



Quote from: RE on May 29, 2024, 04:47 PMSupply chain problems.  Right.  ::)

Musk Said Tesla Will Build 50,000 Semi Trucks In 2024 — Guess How Many They Actually Made

He lies like Trump but who believed him in the first place?  50,000 trucks?  If each truck were only $100K out the door. That is $5,000,000,000 in sales.  From zero to 5 Billion in sales in two years?  Is that possible?

Getting bugs worked out of a single line that you would scale up to produce multiple production lines in that two years is possible, but 150 trucks a day is going to mean multiple production lines.

Nobody would try and build up multiple lines without working out the problems of the first line.  That would be economic suicide.  What if production costs are too high?  Fixing one line and copying success makes more sense than fixing a dozen mistakes all at the same time.

So Musk was not serious to begin with.  No surprise, he says things that make no sense.  Musk is out of this world.


Quote from: K-Dog on May 30, 2024, 08:52 AMMusk is out of this world.

I read that he actually claims to be an Alien.  ::)



Tesla may be the Edsel of the 21st Century.  ;D   Maybe Elon should open Factory Discount stores and sell them at 1/2 off? How about a free Rocket Ride with every Tesla purchase? lol

The BoD better pay him $53B or he might quit!  God forbid.  ::)

So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space



Quote from: RE on Jun 08, 2024, 01:55 PMTesla may be the Edsel of the 21st Century.  ;D   Maybe Elon should open Factory Discount stores and sell them at 1/2 off? How about a free Rocket Ride with every Tesla purchase? lol

The BoD better pay him $53B or he might quit!  God forbid.  ::)

So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space


From space really?  Since the eyes in the sky can read my license plate I'm not surprised.

46,561 unsold Tesla's each parked in a rectangle eight feet wide and twenty feet long works out to be slightly larger than a quarter mile in area.  About forty acres or the parking lot size of all the Mall of America parking could host that many cars.  That is without roads between lanes.  Parked in a solid mass.  Parked as if they were moving people shopping would use more room.

QuoteIf you are a janitor who smokes a fat doobie and watches You Tube all day you do not need the same political rights as Elon Musk.  Musk knows what to do with stuff and you don't.

That many unsold cars calls this conventional wisdom into question.


If the folks who actually bought one intend on returning to ICE vehicles, it does not bode well for EV sales in the near future.  The initial buyers were the cohort of high income people who culd afford the pricetag.  This is the group that carmakers hope will have good product loyalty while they grow the other segments of the market.  Now, for any new buyer of EV's, they'll probably lose a customer who bought one 3 years ago.  They'll have to run harder just to stay in place.

Good newz for people hoping the IEA is wrong about Peak Demand for Oil by 2029.



Quote from: RE on Jun 26, 2024, 08:51 AM

What tune might K-Dog have posted?  Ask yourself before you click.

But how much of FOX can we take seriously.  Consider:

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China's growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the virus.

The clandestine operation, not previously reported. aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China (Reuters Investigation) found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the U.S. military's propaganda morphed into an anti-china-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines.  China's Sinovac.

Not to worry.  De NILE   sez our government would never treat American Citizens this way.  We be special and always get the truth.

More relevant to me is my personal experience with government fuckification. 

Everyone else can consider how much Uncle Sam wanted to bugger Julian for showing American Helicopter Gunships gunning down Iraqi civilians.  Now forgotten since Julian became an old man in prison, mass media never reports the specifics, they rebrand Julian saying he was in trouble for 'being a journalist'.  And the next time someone reports against the American Military the same thing can happen.  In enough time a new victim can grow old to be released when layers of dust hide the original news 'reveal' of American murder.

It was 'mission accomplished', Julian paid his dues and everyone knows it.

*  The EV article used a clever rhetorical device quoting the head of McKinsey's Center for Future Mobility, Philipp Kampshoff.

QuoteI didn't expect that, I thought, 'Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.

Is that bad form or is it just me?  It is not just me.  Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person experiences mental discomfort or tension due to holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously. To alleviate this discomfort, people rationalize their decisions, justify their actions, and change their beliefs to eliminate the tension.  Claiming the head of the study was surprised suppresses any thought you might have had about Cognitive Dissonance making the study results unlikely, and most likely spun.

Indicative of subtle persuasion is the FAILURE to break down the results of the study so any knowledge generated by the study will not happen.  Information was not the intent.  I'm sure Seattle has double the charging stations per EV than a city like Armpit Texas.  How do the relevant satisfaction levels compare???  A study would have this data.  A study could not not have this data, and still be a study.  That relevance would have spun the article in a completely different direction.  The article intent would have been outFOXED by propaganda going in the wrong direction.

Instead results of the study were examined until an appropriate pretzel of logic could be seen that justifies the intent of the propaganda claim.  'EV bad'.  And you are served up the spin.  Have a big bite.

Tight oil shall be the Liquid Lebensraum of the FSOA.  Until it is not.


Quote from: K-Dog on Jun 26, 2024, 10:11 AMI'm sure Seattle has double the charging stations per EV than a city like Armpit Texas.  How do the relevant satisfaction levels compare???  A study would have this data.  A study could not not have this data, and still be a study.  That relevance would have spun the article in a completely different direction.  The article intent would have been outFOXED by propaganda going in the wrong direction.

Of course, they cherry pick the data to demonstrate the conclusion they want to get.  However, I do think it's true that there are insufficient charging stations outside of major metros that have a large number of high income residents.  I'm sure cities like NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, Seattle, Atlanta, Austin, Dallas et al are all reasonably well served.

However, what about 2nd tier cities like St. Louis, Cincinatti, Charleston, Denver, OKC, Des Moines,Albequerque, Milwoulkee, Pittsburgh etc?  Below them, Springfield, Peoria, Mobile, Manchester, Burlington etc etc etc?

Then what about the inter-city routes?  Take something as common as NYC-Boston.  If you wanna drive to Beantown, you just hop in the car and go, you know you can get gas wherever you need it.  With an EV, you need to check beforehand where you can find a charging station.  Then what if you get there and it's out of service?  What if the closest alternate is 50 miles away?

Even once they're fully deployed, charging stations will never be as ubiquitous as gas stations and convenience stores.  Eventually this is something people will have to get used to, but right now it's an inconvenience for people used to the ease of finding fuel for your machine.  Amerikans don't like to be inconvenienced.