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Biological men are now welcome in California women's prisons: 'An agenda for fem

Started by RE, Mar 26, 2024, 08:18 PM

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Call it The Great Distraction.

The endless political battle over Gender related issues from public bathrooms to prisons to gym locker rooms and sports participation is now headed for the SCOTUS, where the Black Robes will rule on whether or not it's OK to pump minors full of hormones that block puberty or make biological males develop female secondary sex characteristics or females develop male ones.  None of these hormones actually cause XY boys to grow vaginas or a uterus or XX girls to grow a cock and balls.  Simulating those organs requires some surgical slicing & dicing.  Not sure if these surgical mutilations are actually being done on preteens here in the FSoA, but I am assuming they also are subject to this SCOTUS ruling and case.

Somewhat surprisingly these interventions have already been banned in the Scandinavian countries where gender altering surgeries were first performed in the 1950s and first experimented with by Nazi doctors in prison camps during WWII.  The first widely known American to get the surgery was Christine Jorgensen in the early 1950s, right after the war.

I find it positively abhorrent that such manipulations would be done on people before they are even supoosed to have sex at all.  The surgery is definitely irreversible and sterilizes the person, and the puberty blockers have side effects that go beyond merely pausing when you start to grow boobs or facial hair.  It affects growth and brain development also.   The trans lobby however supports all of this as medically safe and proper treatment for kids with gender dysphoria.

To me, it's CFS that Tranny women or girls are not level with biological women or girls, and letting them compete with them is utterly ruinous for women's sports and totally unfair.  Putting men who call themselves women but still in possession of male genitalia and putting them in women's prisons is also CFS stupid.  If they have had the surgery, OK, but not if the meatpole still works.

This whole nonsense is destroying the Democratic Party.  Minority groups like hispanics who should be voting Demodope on important economic issues vote Repugnant because CFS won't allow them to support the gender bending politically correct WOKE ideas about gender.

Obviously in this case I side with the Rep and I'm pretty sure the right wing SCOTUS will uphold the TN ban.  Sadly, this same political spin also supports banning Abortion, which I don't agree with.  That also violates CFS, in the other direction.

We need a CFS Political Party.

In Supreme Court battle over transgender rights, conservatives look to an unlikely ally: Europe



QuoteBlack Robes will rule on whether or not it's OK to pump minors full of hormones that block puberty or make biological males develop female secondary sex characteristics or females develop male ones.

In Gaza Palestine wondering about the plasticity of sexual identity is not something that comes to mind.    Such concerns are beyond bourgeois to the people who live there.  Such concerns are on another fucking planet to them.  To us the distraction is disgusting, but to a Palestinian the distraction is deadly.

And no less deadly is the distraction here.  US made MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System used in the Donbass.  But our black robes want to say "Nothing to see here, move along."

And in the homeland the distraction kills.

* This clip is six years old.  The film has been made.  The money raised sent teams around the country to document homelessness and solutions to it.


Yup, it's not hard to find a dozen issues destroying our society that are more important than the confused state of gender identity in the western industrialized nations.  Nevertheless, because it has a bif effect on who gets voted into office and who doesn't, it has an outsized effect on politics and the choices being made as a society.  It's a spillover problem that causes unrelated problems to become linked.

You can think of it a bit like a Rubik's Cube with our society being the cube in a completely jumbled state.  When you try to solve it and move a color from one face to another, it moves other faces making it hard to solve.  The issue may not be that important in itself but the fact it occupies so much time and and attention from the newz media means that much less time and energy is spent on everything else.  That gives it an outsized level of relative importance.

Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how the SCOTUS rules and what effect that will have on the state of the Rubik's Cube of our collapsing society.  Either way, it's not gonna be the end of this interminably stupid problem confronting the recently born generations of homo sap inhabiting the western industrial nations.  Tranny Politics are here for the duration of the collapse.



How about Tranny reparations?  Anybody who decides they are the opposite sex gets a cash bonus and a pay increase (if they work) based on the discrimination they would have experienced had they done the switcheroo in times past.

The rest of us can pay fines and do community service based on the exploitation we gave to ourselves by NOT letting our gender horses run free.  We oppressed ourselves.  Now we must pay.  Bezos has to give a free ride into space to all trannies who wanted to become astronauts but could not do so because society was out to get them.

Perhaps my ideas are extreme?  No problem, I am not on the Supreme Court.  But since Clarence Thomas is on the court, buggery is sure to become the law of the land if he can convince ice queen Barrett.

QuoteThe issue could remain at the center of the political conversation after the inauguration next month of President-elect Donald Trump, who made opposition to transgender rights central to his campaign's closing message.

The court's three liberal justices seem firmly on the side of the Biden administration and the families who are challenging the Tennessee law.

But it's not clear that any of the court's six conservatives will go along.

Five conservatives have voiced varying degrees of skepticism of the challengers' arguments. Gorsuch has yet to say anything.

Common sense says modern medicine should not be used for social non-medical reasons

But hey not everyone agrees. 

The capitalist machine wants pre-teens to change sex.  They will be dependent on the medical apparatus for the rest of their fucking lives.  Millions will be made from trannies and they will be exploited up the ying-yang, literally.

Will the court consider long term consequences?

Fuck no they will not.

  • Some procedures may require follow-up surgeries or revisions to maintain desired results, particularly for complex reconstructions like vaginoplasty or phalloplasty.
  • Regular medical care is necessary to monitor both surgical sites and overall health due to the interplay between surgery and ongoing hormone therapy.
  • Access to high-quality care and post-operative follow-ups can be limited depending on geographic and financial factors.

No national medical care.  Unless you are a freak.  How is this fair?  Die of cancer because you can't afford treatment.  But if it makes you feel better, you don't have the money to cut your cock off either.  Cest la vie.  Suck it up.

The distraction serves its purpose.  The proxy wars are being re-arranged.  Nothing to see here move along is what our overlords want.

Washington's War in Ukraine: Narrowing Options, Growing Consequences

Sucking Russsia into Syria is the new game.  Distractions are in overdrive.


Quote from: K-Dog on Dec 04, 2024, 11:45 AM
  • Some procedures may require follow-up surgeries or revisions to maintain desired results, particularly for complex reconstructions like vaginoplasty or phalloplasty.
  • Regular medical care is necessary to monitor both surgical sites and overall health due to the interplay between surgery and ongoing hormone therapy.
  • Access to high-quality care and post-operative follow-ups can be limited depending on geographic and financial factors.

Add to those a vastly shorter average lifespan.  Although the pro-surgical mutilation folks say it's "inconclusive" and the result of discrimination and violence, the average lifespan is probably about 25 years less for men who have their sausage guillotined.

Anecdotally, I had a childhood friend (Randi the guy/tranny I did Pirate Radio with who got the operation in his late teens) who died of pneumonia when he was in his early 60s.  His dad lived to his late 80s and mom to her 90s.

The maintenance issues on those fake vaginas are substantial.  It's nothing like a real one, it doesn't have the glands that secrete lubricant and it's just a cul de sac pocket formed by turning the penis inside out.  So after sex it has to be thoroughly douched and cleaned, and even without the sex you have to clean carefully because it's a fabulous place for bacteria to colonize.  This obviously will lead to greater incidence of infections over the years.  Your immune system is also affected by the erratic hormone levels that swing up and down when you take your pills or get injections.

As I have pointed out before, although in modern industrial countries we call these folks "transexual" there is little difference from the Eunuchs of earlier eras who were employed guarding Harems, or the Castrati, boys who were castrated to keep their soprano voices for choirs, not to mention for sex with Bishops and Abbots.  Who was it that got so lucky?  For smaller boys from poor families who wouldn't make god soldiers, this was their meal ticket.  In the book "The Last Eunuch" the chief Eunuch to the Chinese Emperor  told his life story, including how his father did the surgery before presenting him as a present to the Emperor when he was 9.  It took months for him to recover, he was lucky to survive it at all.

Today this is presented as the choice of the child, but tell me, how can a child who can't even consent to have sex give consent to be permanently mutilated?  It's absurd.  Today though, parents with a boy who has feminine mannerisms are convinced he'd be happier with a sex reassignment.  It's all cultural nonsense.

Is this really a threat to the Constitution and Equal Protection?  I don't think so really, not when it come to medical care.  Men and women have different organs, so obviously "equal" doesn't mean "same".  Just because you offer Testosterone supplements to males doesn't mean you have to offer them to females.

Anyhow, personally I think goobermint simply needs to get out of the bizness of legislating any of this.  Take all the laws relating to sex off the books and leave it to the parents and kids to decide what they want.  If they are brainwashed enough to buy into all of this, it's their bizness.

The horrifying implications of today's Supreme Court argument on trans rights



QuoteAnyhow, personally I think goobermint simply needs to get out of the bizness of legislating any of this.

Basically I agree, but some kind of third party oversight might be a good idea.  An ethics committee to protect the vulnerable (young) from crazy hateful people.


The results of this poll should be no surprise, since the whole idea of using drugs and surgery to change males to females & vica versa simply doesn't work.  "Trans-women" aren't women at all, they're chemically and/or surgically mutilated and neutered men.  Basically the equivalent of a Gelding horse.

On the sports participation front, if you look at it this way you CAN let trannies participate, just they have to compete against males who still have their balls.  Geldings run against stallions, and occassionally are fast enough to win.  Some Fillies do also.

The numbers also demonstrate why this agenda is absolutely killing the Democratic party.  Progressives who have enough CFS to stand against the attempt to normalize transexuality find themselves unable to vote for candidates who are pushing this agenda.  We need another party that is Progressive on economics and traditional on gender roles.  Otherwise we'll keep getting more Trumps elected.

Americans Overwhelmingly Support Restricting Transgender Procedures for Minors, Survey Finds