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- Electricity Juice Hogs

Started by TDoS, Aug 18, 2024, 05:15 PM

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Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 18, 2024, 01:07 PMClassically Jevon's is only about coal, we know it can be extended to a basket of energies.  Use of any kind of energy will in the absence of limiting restraint increase if any energy becomes more efficient to use.  The inter-dependencies between energy supplies is huge.  A fact not appreciated.  Energy sources do not replace each other.  The truth is they reinforce each other.  Use of one increases the use of others through links that are both physical and through links that result exclusively from human nature.

Most people will regard what I just wrote a blasphemy.

More like an anicient concept replaced by the far superior modern version. Try "rebound effect" and check out the research. Sure, a Ford Model-T was original and cool....a long time ago...and this ain't that time, and a Model T sure ain't a Ford GT40. 

Quote from: K-DogFind deep analysis in the Diner.
Don't you mean we find analysis elsewhere and the Diner links to it for its 3 or 4 regulars?


Quote from: TDoS on Aug 18, 2024, 05:15 PM
Quote from: K-DogFind deep analysis in the Diner.
Don't you mean we find analysis elsewhere and the Diner links to it for its 3 or 4 regulars?
I do my own analysis, and it is clear how I feel about everything I link to here.


Quote from: K-Dog on Aug 18, 2024, 09:33 PM
Quote from: TDoS on Aug 18, 2024, 05:15 PM
Quote from: K-DogFind deep analysis in the Diner.
Don't you mean we find analysis elsewhere and the Diner links to it for its 3 or 4 regulars?
I do my own analysis, and it is clear how I feel about everything I link to here.

As do I.  Back in the Cooler for insulting the Admins and purveying false inforrmation.




This is not newz to Diners, we've been over this Jevon's Paradox aspect of the so-called "transition" to renewables which isn't happening, but this does give us some more detailed look at how the various types of energy are being consumed and a tineline before TSHTF and we won't be able to meet those wild consumption targets for AI and the power grid.

Maybe we've got a decade left before the shutdowns they're experience in Cuba and Moldova are spread all across Europpe and South America.  Tic Toc.


Quote from: RE on Jan 06, 2025, 10:40 PM
David Hughes stuff again! I remember him! Wonder if he ever figured out that Marcellus stuff since his Diner days?

Quote from: REMaybe we've got a decade left before the shutdowns they're experience in Cuba and Moldova are spread all across Europpe and South America.  Tic Toc.

Well...we've been through two "got a decade left before..." episodes now, let us usher in the beginning of cheering on #3!

As usual...the odds of personal doom showing up before our hopes and doom dreams occur is far more likely among us geriatrics. Anyone want to bet on something far more serious? How many of us will be alive when someone makes the first angle for "doom in a decade", Take 4, among us surviving geriatrics?


With El Trumpo in the WH, Doom has already arrived.



It will be interesting to see how the available Juice gets rationed out as the gap between new demand from AI, heating and cooling and EV charging and new supply from renewables and nukes widens.  It's fairly obvious that new demand is far outpacing new supply, which means at some point choices will have to be made about who gets the juice and who doesn't.  Obviously also those with the least political power and money will be the first to see rolling blackouts and brownouts, further widening the disparity in standard of living between rich and poor.  Rural areas are also most likely to see the lights dim before the urban areas.

Add to this the periodic supply disruptions from climate related disasters probably will bring down overall reliability in many areas down to Puerto Rico level inside the next decade.  Here on the Last Great Frontier, we're likely to start seeing serious disruptions by 2030.  They're still dragging their feet on developing a supply of NG due to the poor economics of being so remote with a low population.  At least we made it through this winter though, with relatively mild weather.

Electricity is the next energy crisis


comrade simba

Americentricism is at work in the doomsday chart above. The proscribed treatment for americentricism is to look at the technology and resources other countries are working with. As per Trump dis Trump dat, the only significance is Trumpi has a wrecking ball aimed at D.C. that (one hopes) will take down the hard power of 'murica as well as the soft power way faster than another couple of terms we would have gotten with The Cackler and her successor.

Doomers want a fast crash. My hope for that springs eternal, but I did take down the patio set from the top of the Watchtower of Doom. My daily feed shows me the state of the world I can be privy to in a half hour or so. The rest is just cheap entertainment.


Quote from: comrade simba on Feb 06, 2025, 01:40 PMAs per Trump dis Trump dat, the only significance is Trumpi has a wrecking ball aimed at D.C. that (one hopes) will take down the hard power of 'murica as well as the soft power way faster than another couple of terms we would have gotten with The Cackler and her successor.

I don't think his objective is to take down the power of the Federal Goobermint, rather it is to extend it and bring it fully under the control of the Executive branch.  He aspires to run the FSoA with the same level of control that Putin has over Mother Russia.



QuoteHe aspires to run the FSoA with the same level of control that Putin has over Mother Russia.
Trump certainly has his own oligarchs,  Had some serious Guy Fox  rigging had gone on below the inauguration room we would be living in a different world.  They were all there.  Sort of, but maybe not so different a world.  Material conditions determine our destiny.  We blame the buffoons, but the real problem be us, and what we collectively do and think.  Joe six pack and his half-rack brain.

In the Diner we can disagree on a lot of things.  But one thing that unites us all is a desire to have a front row seat to the doom show.

Trump certainly has given us that.


Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 06, 2025, 08:43 PMWe blame the buffoons, but the real problem be us, and what we collectively do and think.  Joe six pack and his half-rack brain.

I've never been a fan of blaming the collective "us".  "We" are to blame, because we put the idiots in positions of power.  We are to blame for climate change, because we all drive carz and forget to turn off the lights when we leave the room.  Wars are our fault because we go out on the battlefield and shoot people we don't know or fly drones with a joystick and bomb people half a world away.  The debt is our fault because we spend more than we earn.  And so forth and so on.  Blaming everyone is blaming no one.  In this respect, blame isn't a useful concept to define the situation.

As a social creature, homo sap isn't very smart.  Like the rate determining step in a chemical reaction, society is only as smart as it's stupidest people.  In a Democracy, stupid always wins because the stupid always have the most voters.  Can you blame people for being stupid?  Whether they were just born stupid or poorly educated, is the fact they ended up stupid really their fault?  Looking at the extreme case, do you blame a retard for being retarded?

Perhaps rather than blaming, framing the issue in terms of RESPONSIBILITY is a better way to look at it?  "With great power comes great responsibility."  Conversely, with little or no power comes little or no responsibility.  From this POV, I am not responsible at all for the shit show ongoing in the world.  The Donald and Elon can be held responsible for a lot of it though.  By holding them responsible, they can be made to answer for their crimes.  Accountability is essential.  The question is, with no power, how do we hold them accountable?



QuoteThe question is, with no power, how do we hold them accountable?

have you ever heard the saying "Workers of the world unite."

Organize, but since everyone is busy being a class traitor it is not going to happen.

QuoteI've never been a fan of blaming the collective "us".
Yes, but that does not apply here.  In this situation people voted for a specific shithead, and the country totally deserves any pain that comes from that collective bad decision.  Your think too broadly.  People chose to vote for Trump knowing he was going to fuck over a lot of people.  Just not them, or so they thought.  Now that the Trump fuckification is back I will have no sympathy for the pain.

In Seattle we had the CHOP and massive street protest.  BLM was ripping the country apart, and it all stopped when Trump was voted out.  People forgot how bad it was four years ago.  Now there will be remembering.

Stupid is as stupid did.

Personally, I could not vote for genocide since Democratic dumfucks decided making voters happy was no longer a thing.  Making $$$ happy is.  Democrats became a democracy of wealth, and I won't vote for them.

Trump triggered trouble in Portland, how soon we forget:

Trump trouble will return.  Naked Athena will have to get naked again.


Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 07, 2025, 05:02 AM
QuoteThe question is, with no power, how do we hold them accountable?

have you ever heard the saying "Workers of the world unite."

Sure, but since most of them are stupid, when they unite they just get one big stupid.

Quote from: Kdog
QuoteI've never been a fan of blaming the collective "us".
Yes, but that does not apply here.  In this situation people voted for a specific shithead, and the country totally deserves any pain that comes from that collective bad decision.  Your think too broadly.  People chose to vote for Trump knowing he was going to fuck over a lot of people.  Just not them, or so they thought.  Now that the Trump fuckification is back I will have no sympathy for the pain.

The country may deserve the pain, but the people who live in the country who didn't vote for him don't deserve it.  How do you punish the country without punishing the innocent people living here?  If you punish the innocent along with the guilty, that's not justice.



Quote from: RE on Feb 07, 2025, 09:17 AM
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 07, 2025, 05:02 AMhave you ever heard the saying "Workers of the world unite."

Sure, but since most of them are stupid, when they unite they just get one big stupid.

Lenin's concept of the vanguard party refers to a highly organized and disciplined group of revolutionary leaders from the working class who guide and educate the proletariat towards achieving a socialist revolution. This party is seen as essential for leading the working class in overthrowing the existing capitalist system and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.

QuoteHow do you punish the country without punishing the innocent people living here?

I'm not punishing anybody.  But if lightning bolts start vaporizing certain people I'm sayin 'damn right'.  And you are exactly the same way with your posting of your guillotine pics.

Trump was voted in by a majority of people, and any and all of those who voted for him are fine with injustice and imperialism.  Not wanting innocents to suffer is a given.  I should not have to explain.  No head chopping of innocents.

Perhaps very dim bulbs who voted for Trump are not fine with injustice and imperialism.  But for that to be so they would have to be so dim as to not know what injustice and imperialism is.  That is not very many people.