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Shifting Sands

Started by RE, Dec 31, 2024, 03:31 PM

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This is getting very interesting, and complicated.

Gas gets cut off from one supplier reducing electricty generation in another location which restricts the export of power over the grid which is substituted for by electric power from another generating location receiving gas from another supplier.  Have you got all that straight?

Let me make clear what is happening.  A game of Musical Chairs is being played with the Total Available Energy, which is declining.  As it reduces, each side blames the other as the instigator for the problem which is not really political, they simply do not have enough of the supply to hand out to everybody at a price they can afford to pay.  So, one by one, each location gets cut off the grid, leaving a surplus of power for everyone else, which they then get at a price they can afford.

The weakest locations with the most problems and the fewest factories that need power are cut ogff first, leaving the power to be sucked up by the stronger locations.  Thus a country like Cuba which contributes little of industrial value gets cut off first, and a country like Ukraine in dispute between 2 of the big players gets cut off second.

Currently, Ukraine is dropping off the grid.  Moldova looks like it will follow shortly after that.  Here on this side of the pond, Cuba and Puerto Rico are dropping off the grid.  I expect to see similar problems in Colombia, Venezuela and in a couple of years, Brasil.  When it gets that far, we're going to be in the deep shit.

Ukraine calls Slovakia's bluff as Fico threatens power cutoff over Russia gas deal spat