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Trump to the FBI: "You're Fired!"

Started by RE, Feb 04, 2025, 07:01 AM

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"what a banana republic dictator does."

Well, this will be a real test of whether the "checks & balances" of power we all learned about in HS Civics classes that are supposed to stop Dictators from taking power over Da Goobermint will work.  If Der Trumper is successful with his purge at the FBI and Justice Dept and the courts don't step in, we have a full on Dictatorship.  The FBI will be nothing more than the Gestapo filled with Thugs who do his bidding.  Look also for a purge at the IRS of anyone looking into his tax history.

Besides the courts, somebody in CONgress needs to step up and file articles of Impeachment for the blatantly unconstitutional way he is taking over the "power of the purse" from the legislative branch.  "Constitutional Crisis" barely covers what is going on here.  At this point, we would be better off having a Military Coup d'Etat to get him out of the White House before he completely destroys the global financial system.

With Trump and Musk we have 2 complete Megalomaniacs running the country the way they ran their companies.  All employees are answerable only to them, and if you don't toe the line, you're fired.

  This is truly the crossroads for the Amerikan Political system.  If he gets away with this, we'll soon have concentration camps for the homeless and mass deportations of anyone perceived as being "anti-Amerikan". Look for a Mcarthy era style purge of communists as well.

This also could very well kick off Civil War with an impeachment trial.  MAGA folks will support Der Fuehrer no matter what.   I can easily see these folks turning into the kind of Brown Shirts Hitler used to terrorize the rest of the population.

This is going to get ugly.  Well, uglier.  It's already pretty ugly at the Justice dept.

Purges at FBI, DOJ trigger 'battle' for career staff



Unfortunately, my general sense is that the response to all of this will be weak and divided, so it will ultimately fail.  That doesn't mean I think Il Trumpo will succeed in gaining total control, what I think will happen is that it will accelerate the collapse of these bureaucratic institutions. I think we are going to get Anarchy coming out of this mess.  Following Anarchy, I could see a Military Dictatorship grabbing power to restore order.

The only thing about guaranteed now is that we're in a very big political shit storm, even bigger than Watergate and McArthyism.  The only things close would be the Great Depression and the Civil War.  Amerika as we knew it is pretty much history.



As I indicated in the prior post, it doesn't look like the Demodopes are sufficiently organized enough to put up much of a fight.  Even if they were better organized, the fact the Republicunts have majorities in both houses of CONgress means Trump's own party has to rebel, and generally they don't have the backbone to do that.

On the positive side, this at least makes clear the lie that Amerika is in any way exceptional or less corrupt than the Chinese or Ruskies or that our form of goobermint was too well designed by the Founding Fathers to be flipped into a Dictatorship.  In fact, so far it has proved so weak that His Trumpness has been able to accomplish it without the help of the military and without any violence so far.  Opponents and Journalists have been reduced to pathetic sputtering "He can't do that", while he obviously can and does.  Right down the line also, people in the bureaucracy simply follow orders, a phone call from somebody at  the White House and 1000 workers pack up their desks and walk out of the building and onto the unemployment line.

I do wonder a bit if those now UE FBI Agents will simply roll over next month when the mortgage and car payment and med bills come rolling in?  They are not gonna all instantly find jobs with local police forces that pay an FBI Agent's salary, particularly one with years of experience who has moved up the salary tree of federal employment.  You're talking well into the 6 figures.  Those guys have guns and training.  They also have contacts in organized crime.  Use your imagination.



QuoteIn fact, so far it has proved so weak that His Trumpness has been able to accomplish it without the help of the military and without any violence so far.

Project 2025 is a political initiative to reshape the federal government of the United States and remove checks on executive power in favor of right-wing policies. The plan was published in April 2023 by the American conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation in anticipation of Donald Trump winning the 2024 presidential election. 

The Teflon Don is for real.  A federal judge declared Trump above the law.  Being punished for felonies does not apply to Trump.  The Trumpness knows he can do felonies without being punished and that is exactly what he will do.  Trumps mental illness knows no other way than to take advantage of any opportunity presented to him.  Billions of dollars worth of felonies and that is not even counting the Musk kickbacks lies before America. 

A malignant narcissistic personality with a hyper manic temperament, who suffers from dementia is in charge, and he is letting anyone who kisses his ass buttfuck the rest of us.  Trump is a moral zero who America willingly put into power.  America deserves whatever pain now comes.


Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 04, 2025, 04:20 PMTrump is a moral zero who America willingly put into power.  America deserves whatever pain now comes.

"Amerika" may deserve the pain on its way (and already here), but except for those who voted for him, nobody else does.  Similarly had KaMama been elected, Amerika would have deserved the pain that came with her only the people who voted for her would have deserved that pain.

The problem here is that the system and institutions have become so corrupt that only corrupt people can succeed in getting elected.  You can't vote your way out of a bad system filled with corrupt people at every level.  Basically the best most people can do is to try and stay out of the way of the train wreck, but that becomes less possible all the time.  Right now, 1000s of goobermint workers who simply tried to do their jobs are being thrown under the bus.  I'm sure quite a few of them voted for Trump, soo they are getting what they deserve, but other than them everyone else is just being fucked.

What is really scary is that this is just the beginning, and it's only going to get worse.  The more shit he gets away with, the more he pushes the envelope.  Really, nothing short of absolute dictatorial power will satisfy him.  He will keep going until the system itself breaks.  At the rate he is going, that won't take long.



USAID has more than 10,000 employees, with about two-thirds serving overseas, according to a Congressional Research Service report. Some 1,400 work in the agency's D.C. headquarters. The agency maintains more than 60 country and regional missions.

Staff recalls also include the agency's foreign service officers, who spend years abroad, often with their families. They'll have to figure out logistics for their children who are in school, housing, moving their belongings and where they'll move to in the U.S.

Well, besides the cohort of FBI agents and Justice Dept lawyers Il Duce Trumpolini has issued Pink Slips to, add another 10K people who now are probably drawing crosshairs on a photo of him and throwing darts at it in the basement.  These are all formerly middle class and upper middle class people now on the unemployment lines.  What kind of job does being a bureacrat stationed overseas dishing out food and medicine in poor countries qualify you for?  The ones who wwere stationed overseas probably don'rt even have a place to live here in the FSoA in many cases.

This whole operation was obviously done with absolutely ZERO planning for the consequences and ZERO consideration for the people he is fucking over.  Like the typical CEO of a hedge fund that buys out a company and takes over to do cost cutting, they just axe 1000s of peopl, whole divisions are cut with no notice and the people are locked out of their offices overnight.  It's totally despicable, but very typical corporate behavior.  Lower level employees get no more consideration than slaves.

If this goes forward with no consequences for Trump and Musk, this country is in real trouble.  All legitimacy for da goobermint is gone, the rule of law has been thrown out the window.  It will get ugly.



File this one under just deserts.

AK voters gave Der Fuehrer a 54:41 victory here on the Last Great Frontier, so there's a good chance a lot of those protesters voted for him.  They are just a little late waking up.

So far, only one CONgress Critter has had the balls to file articles of impeachment, but if J6P starts faxing and emailing demanding a recall, maybe we'll get some action.

The thing to remember is thhat the Federal Goobermint is a HUGE employer, and right now pretty much every civil servant is worried about his job.  You remember the words of Martin Niemöller?

Basically oovernight, el Trumpo has turned a lot of former friends into sworn enemies.  Biting the dog isn't smart.  It bites back.



What kind of jobs do spies and assassins get when they are laid off?  ???

Well, hopefully one of the newly freed up Black Ops teams will free lance a regime change.  lol.



Quote from: MonstaWeaken the courts, weaken the army are good steps to undermining democracy especially if he fills the senior generals  with his own cronies after the cull. The Republicans maybe aghast at this development but considering how supportive Trump's following is it is hard to imagine a Republican going against him. At least openly. I suppose if the cuts get too wild inside forces may work so Trump "accidentally" fall out a window... With his pal Elon also meeting an unfortunate demise or face some trumped up charge.

He doesn't even have to fill positions with cronies, just fire the ones who don't follow orders.  He is the Commander-in-Chief.  The question is, if he orders say an invasion of Greenland, will they follow the orders without CONgress making a declaration of war?  Obviously, it wouldn't take many marines to capture Greenland.  So, the question is, how many Generals want a dictatorship with Trump as Der Fuehrer?



File this under unforseen consequences or blowback.

All those federal employees in Washington who just lost their jobs can't pay their mortgages.  Everybody's trying to GTFO of Dodge at the same time.  What happens when everybody in a market wants to sell at the same time?

A real estate crash throws another monkey wrench into the chaos. Fun.



Quote from: RE on Feb 15, 2025, 06:59 PMFile this under unforseen consequences or blowback.

All those federal employees in Washington who just lost their jobs can't pay their mortgages.  Everybody's trying to GTFO of Dodge at the same time.  What happens when everybody in a market wants to sell at the same time?

A real estate crash throws another monkey wrench into the chaos. Fun.


Nobody will want to buy their Tesla carz either.  In January, sales of Tesla cars slumped across five European countries.

Is Tesla's sales slump down to Elon Musk ?

Used Tesla for Sale in Washington, DC.


As protests go, it's not much, but at least it's a start.  They'll need a couple of more orders of magnitude boots on the ground to be meaningful in any way.

So far, the cuts haven't been to agancies most people deal with.  When he gets around to hitting on Social Security and Medicare, that may wake up a few more people.

Idaho joins nationwide 'No Kings' protests, target Trump Administration on Presidents Day



Obviously this ruling gets appealed, and Der Fuehrer probably tries to have the Judge impeached.  Question is, can they delay rehiring until it gets to the SCOTUS?  Whether they get rehired or not, as long as this chaos is going on nobody in any of these jobs will be getting much work done.  If they're at work, mainly they'll be at the water cooler or coffee machine bitching to each other.  Anything they do probably gets reversed or cancelled the next day.  The strategy here is to cause so much chaos that it renders all these agencies ineffective no matter what the outcome in the courts.  Plus everything is so confused you don't even have a place to start to fix it.  It's whack-a-mole, as soon as you address one issue, a new one comes up.  A few more months of this and the Federal Goobermint won't be able to get anything done at all.  Which pretty much is the objective.

Thousands of fired federal workers must be rehired immediately, judge rules