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Resources / - Comm Tech
Last post by TDoS - Oct 21, 2024, 03:31 PM
Quote from: RE on Dec 28, 2023, 01:19 PMThis is the last chance to schedule a New Year Collapse discussion for tomorrow or Saturday.  So far not ONE of the other current Diners chatting here has stepped up to the plate to join me and review where we have been, where we are and where we are going in the Collapse of Industrial Civilization.

Can't say I'm surprised, this has been the typical behavior I have observed from this group of doomers.

Boredom? Tired of getting burned after all the doom that was claimed and didn't happen beginning as far back as global peak oil in 1990, or the Y2K horrors that the less educated fell for?

I am surprised that your readership/fans/groupies/whatever from the days of the Diner seemed to have dried up and blown away so thoroughly. I presume that most of them were old, like those of us still here, and after telling their friends and neighbors about the end of the world and getting burned, they got tired of the "told you so!", clammed up and went about their lives in the non-doom that happened instead.

I have always been surprised at the low female count among the Doomers.
General Discussion / - Rules of Shadow Banning Wh...
Last post by TDoS - Oct 21, 2024, 02:39 PM
Quote from: RE on Oct 21, 2024, 09:05 AMYou didn't miss it.  You were here when I made 1st person anecdotes about your kids or grandkids against the rules.

Oh? Well, I suppose I lost track in all the other ad hoc reasons why things folks might mention can't be allowed to see the light of day. It is interesting though in that it is sort of like K-Dog and what is done to him when he posts on other folk's places. He gets quite perturbed. And seeing as how children succeeding goes against the desired narrative (all doom, all the time...Jesus Flipping Christ WHERE THE HELL IS IT ALREADY!) it makes perfect sense. 
General Discussion / - Rules of Shadow Banning Wh...
Last post by RE - Oct 21, 2024, 09:05 AM
You didn't miss it.  You were here when I made 1st person anecdotes about your kids or grandkids against the rules.

Resources / - The Dimming Bulb v2.0
Last post by TDoS - Oct 20, 2024, 06:43 PM
Quote from: RE on Oct 20, 2024, 08:50 AM
Cubans enter third day without power after fresh attempts to restore network fail

Well, Cuba is resilient, after all entire books and even movies were produced about how Cuba survived peak oil some 20 years ago now. So those Cubans are going to have to kick it up a gear on their previous conquering of peak oil and whatever and get REALLY Medieval.

Too bad they are busy giving Communism yet another black eye in terms of showing those pesky capitalists why they should stay right where they are. Right here on this very forum we have good Communists...and in a capitalist system they get million dollar homes and luxury cars for everyone in the family. In Cuba? You get to be hungry...and the dark....waiting for your ration of gruel to arrive in a week after the storm is over.

No wonder those Communists want to come here and experience Communism in America! Begs the come Communist countries can't provide their citizens with luxury homes and goods if America can provide it for their Communists?
General Discussion / Rules of Shadow Banning When D...
Last post by TDoS - Oct 20, 2024, 06:03 PM
Is there one I missed? You know...folks talk about kids this many years after collapse in an optimistic way and said posts therefore removed for lack of pessimism?

I mean, I do qualify as yet another geriatric circling the doom world for all of this century just waiting.....just like everyone else.
Resources / Cubans enter third day without...
Last post by RE - Oct 20, 2024, 08:50 AM

Hard to restore power without fuel.  Cuba looks like a Winner in the race to de-industrialization in the western hemisphere.  It will be interesting to see how long their political structure will hold together without any juice.  It's a good window into the future.

Cubans enter third day without power after fresh attempts to restore network fail

Resources / Why Cuba's electrical grid Col...
Last post by RE - Oct 19, 2024, 07:33 AM
It's all because of Socialism.  ::)  All they gotta do accept some "market reforms" and the IMF will loan them money to turn the lights back on.

As Cuba's nationwide blackout continues, a look at why the electrical grid collapsed

Resources / Power goes out on entire islan...
Last post by RE - Oct 19, 2024, 12:50 AM
"Cubans expressed alarm, with one resident saying it felt as if the country had reached the "bottom of the barrel." "

Nowhere near the bottom yet.  "This is not the end.  It is not even the Beginning of the End.  It is however, the end of the beginning."

Power goes out on entire island of Cuba, leaving 10 million people without electricity

Local News / Alaska Fishing Collapse
Last post by RE - Oct 16, 2024, 12:04 PM
The fishing industry here on the Last Great Frontier is riding out the Perfect Storm of economic and climate related Collapse problems that are devastating the industry and many communities.  Subsistence fishing communities haven't been able to catch enough to feed their populations, and the ones that fish for export are facing collapsing prices and competition from the Ruskies fishing their side of the line and selling at cheaper prices.  For the communities on the west coast, there is simply no other industry or way to earn money than fishing, so whole villages are being abandoned.  The folks leaving these places generally end up as additions to the Homeless population of Anchorage.  They are poorly educated with virtually no skills besides fishing, and often have substance abuse problems also.

On the positive side, if you want to move somewhere nearly completely abandoned and isolated, you could look into Unimak Island or Unalaska along the volcanic island chain in the Bering sea.

I think they might get a supply barge in once a month or so.

Alaska's "Imploding" Fishing Industry Has Shed 38,000 Jobs

Climate Fuckifications / Hurricane Hell 2024 - The Hars...
Last post by RE - Oct 14, 2024, 08:12 AM
Anyone who believes these financial products are designed to help victims of natural disasters recover their financial losses is not playing with a full deck.  Insurance policies are designed to make insurance companies rich.  In the event they can't weasel out of paying claims, they go bankrupt.  Besides that, the people who really need this type of protection can't afford the premiums.

Really what is needed is a Global Climate Disaster Relief Fund, which all countries pay into based on their ability to pay.  Then when the disaster hits somewhere, a payout is made to the nation that took the hit, and that Gopbermint disburses it to local goobermints and individuals.

The Harsh Reality of 'Hurricane Insurance'