Well, now we know who really got elected POTUS in November, Elon Muskrat. The Billionaire Oligarchy is now front and center on display for all to see, and any nonsense about His Royal Trumpness being a Man of the People revealed as the bald faced lie it always was. We have a Goobermint Of Billionaires, By Billionaires and For Billionaires.
Will a goobermint shutdown wake up the MAGA Faithful to how they have fucked themselves? Probably not. They'll find a way to spin it and blame it on the liberals somehow.
Full on Fascism has arrived in the FSoA. It's not Fascism Lite anymore. The merger of the State with the Corporatocracy is complete.
The Government Is Shutting Down Because Elon Musk Has Factories in China
It seems Bernie agrees with RE.
RE for President!
Elon was not even elected to be dog catcher. That is what Bernie said but Bernie is wrong.
Money votes in the Fascist States of America, people do not.
Money elected Elon and money gives Elon more money.
Most idiots in America are fine with oligarchy, so nothing is going to change. They dream about the lottery in their dreams I guess. Because nothing else makes any fucking sense.
PushbackThe House of Representatives passed a government funding bill to avoid a partial government shutdown Friday evening — but a spending lapse remains possible due to uncertainty about the Senate timeframe to consider the bill.
The 366-34 vote ended two days of high drama — after President-elect Donald Trump and incoming
Department of Government Efficiency chief Elon Musk objected to what they called a bloated initial package.
Republicans supported the third version of the package overwhelmingly, with just 34 opposing it, while no Democrats voted against it, with just one voting "present."
At least 38 House GOPers shot down a similar bill Thursday night, but Speaker Mike Johnson emerged from marathon deliberations on Friday afternoon to announce he had "a unified Republican conference."
The show has not even started. This dude will be on a commemorative quarter.
Tech bros and project 2025. Unregulated capitalism is about to destroy America.
Play from 5:53 listen as long as you like.
Quote from: K-Dog on Dec 21, 2024, 12:13 PMPlay from 5:53 listen as long as you like.
Waste of time. They are not going to tell me anything I don't already know, which in a nutshell is that the Amerikan Goobermint has been
PWNED by Billionaires. They have achieved total victory in the Class War.
Warren Buffet said
They're not winning. They
WON. It is
OVAH! The Fat Lady is singing.
If Trump was only fucking over the MAGA Maggots who voted for him, I'd be fine with it. They deserve to get the shaft for being so fucking STUPID. The problem is that he is fucking over everybody else too, at least everybody not in the .01%.
It's going to be a long 4 years. Maybe we'll luck out and he'll do something stupid enough to get impeached.
Transcript: Trump-Musk Fiasco Shows How Badly MAGA Voters Got Scammed
If the Germans were OK with not using Russian natural gas knowing it would trash their economy, and how could they not. Americans are stupid enough to let Trump do the same thing here.
* On a side note
QuoteThe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Has been shadow-banned on You Tube a dozen times. You Tube does not approve the author it seems. I can't post it in any chat there. Also ANY criticism of the Republican or Democratic parties is also shadow-banned. The Duopoly will not be threatened, and A.I. algorithms are preventing discussion of alternatives.
But who else but me monitors chat using a remote connection so I can see the shadow-banning. The narrative is under control. Have nothing, shut up and be happy all you American peons. You are so stupid you think you are free. That is the way power has us be.
The endless deception of the narrative.
The New York Times deleted a video of violence in Amsterdam it published once it realized that the perpetrators were Israelis and not an anti-Semitic mob. The Times had falsely claimed that the video showed Israeli football fans being attacked while in the Netherlands to support their team. What the video actually showed was a group of Israelis chasing and attacking locals.
Instead of changing their story and highlighting the bad behavior of the Israelis, the Paper of Record decided to delete the video. Why was it newsworthy when Dutch fans attacked Israelis but not when Israelis attacked Dutch people? The short answer is that the story no longer fits the long-running narrative of a new wave of anti-Semitic violence surging across the West. Therefore, it was dropped entirely.
The newspaper of record defines reality in Merica. Don't be taken in.
Propaganda has a playbook and knowing how it is done lets you see it.
1. Blame all economic problems on the targeted government. Ignore the effect of US sanctions.
2. The targeted leader is always presented as a tyrannical autocrat who crushes dissent, contrary to any reality.
3. No not say 'coup' say 'uprising' , 'revolt', or 'transition'. Gaslight the reader.
4. Ridicule the idea of US involvements.
5. Describe new US backed rulers as democratic and ignore any violence they commit to establish rule.
6. Blame deposed leaders as being responsible for their own overthrow.
The above rules are implemented with telling sentence structure. As the video shows.
A nice synopsis of the philosophic underpinning of the actions and behavior of the group of Billionaires that has taken control of the political narrative in the FSoA and shaping the future to their own relentless quest for unlimited power. The election of Trump has further consolidated their power, which means we will rush even faster in pursuit of unattainable goals like the colonization of Mars and Immortality or the rich.
Taking this philosophy to its logical conclusion, it's fairly obvious that in portioning out energy resources, the Broligarchs would fully support switching off all the power in Africa to supply their AI supercomputers with enough juice. Africa of course is full of Black people, who are expendable useless eaters. So you can expect collapse to come sooner and be much more complete in 3rd world countries to keep BAU going longer in the FSoA and Europe. Expect also mass deportation of brown skinned people from both continents.
The main question is how long people within the borders of the Broligarchs gated countries will accept their own further impoverishment before we get rebellion? As long as they can keep lights on here while they go off elsewhere, people will accept their condition.
The Dystopian world has arrived.
The Nazi Salute is BACK!
"Did he really do that or was it just an awkward hand gesture?"
Come on! Given Elon's well published views on white racial superiority and his eugenics campaign begging white people to have more babies and the fact he is from South Africa, home of Apartheid, it is quite clear that Elon is a full on Nazi. The fact he will stand up and do this PUBLICLY not once but twice for emphasis further cements the fact Elon believes he can do absolutely anything he wants to and nothing, not even being a Nazi can be punished. Given the Trump also is a Nazi and POTUS and commits felonies at will shows this is probably true.
You can bet this will embolden their followers to start using the salute publicly more often now as well. Elon is normalizing it as Free Speech.
Amerika Uber Alis!
Uber Alles. umlaut above the U but damned if I know how to do that on a 'MERIKA!!! keyboard.
I had secret training from the Illuminati in college and they wanted me to be placed in Germany so they required me to learn German stuff.
Lucky you. I drew The Congo straw... so I just quit.
Last week I got initiated into the IOOF! Secret handshake and everything!
Does the dripping sarcasm in the last 2 posts indicate both of you feel that identifying Musk as a Nazi is nonsense equivalent to Illuminati conspiracy theories? You feel that Billionaires flashing the Nazi salute is one of those things that "doesn't matter" and you "don't care" about?
Just having a laugh, really.
Our entire government and MIC has been funding "To the last Ukrainian" for years now so yeah, it ain't the Illuminati or the Simbas... the enemy is us.
Me and TDos have known each other for decades on the doom boards so there may be a bit of private reference chuckling that isn't associated or aimed at anyone on this board. I'll try to keep my comments on topic though.
Here's a clip of the offending gesture.
Is seig heil german for thank you? Open hand on heart, not a fist. Musk certainly ain't Nation, anyway. Maybe just sloppy? I'll give him a couple of points for not being at Davos where the power elite are gathered this week. And points for the both of them for the sheer entertainment value of the theater of the absurd.
Gotta put "Was that a nazi salute?" into I don't know.
I'm also very happy to have joined the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. I've been seeking out different groups of people to talk with other than the boring lot at AA. Participating here is another example. I don't do people well, most folks my age are 12 with 50 years experience. Too easily butthurt, too prone to rage.
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 21, 2025, 09:06 PMJust having a laugh, really.
Our entire government and MIC has been funding "To the last Ukrainian" for years now so yeah, it ain't the Illuminati or the Simbas... the enemy is us.
Problem with having a laugh is that it wasn't funny.
If you understand the Illuminati, they are the ones who control the goobermint and MIC, not us. We are merely bystanders in the chess game, pawns to be moved by their propaganda and controlled by the legislation they pay CONgress to enact and Judges to enforce.
Illuminati, really? They're the ones stuffing suitcases fulla cash into campaign war chests for congressional votes?
So I might as well get it over with and touch the third rail - where do you stand on The Jewish Question?
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 21, 2025, 09:58 PMIlluminati, really? They're the ones stuffing suitcases fulla cash into campaign war chests for congressional votes?
Who do you think funds the PACs? The money in those suitcases gotta come from somewhere, and it's not from GoFuundMe contributions.
QuoteSo I might as well get it over with and touch the third rail
Why? Suiicide may be painless, but it doesn't improve the situation for the people you leave behind, nor does death improve your situation.
Quote- where do you stand on The Jewish Question?
What is the
Jewish Question? Was Jesus the Messiah? Does wearing a Yarmulke protect your bald spot from sunburn? Are they cheapskates? Are Jewish girls better fucks?
The question of whether Muskrat's Sig Heil Salute was intentional or not is irrelevant. It LOOKS sufficiently like this well known symbol of Nazi Solidarity that it can reasonably be construed that way. When you couple this with Elon's equally well known political and social beliefs, it will be interpreted by bona fide Nazis to be an expression of his solidarity with them.
Would Elon characterize himself as a Nazi? Of course not. The problem is that in every way that counts, Elon's politics are synchronous with Nazi politics. He believes in White racial superiority, he believes only property holders should have the right to vote, and he's part of the Fascist fusing of corporate power and goobermint. So, looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, he's a duck whether he admits to it or not.
The salute? It was spontaneous and impromptu, so he wasn't consciously appealing to the Nazis in the audience. Unconsciously though, Elon has seen all the same movies and newsreels we have seen, and his mind's eye know how Il Duce or Der Fuehrer looked when they capped off the end of a speech. He's unconsciously modeling his behavior to look just like that. To be clear, just like Hitler and Mussolini, Musk is a narcissistic megalomaniac who aspires to world domination and is convinced of his own superiority to the common man. He believes his own race of White people is genetically superior and should reproduce. He's not JUST a Nazi, he's Der Fuehrer which translates to The Leader
Because of all that, his salute comes off as Nazi whether he intended it to or not.
It was not a clear signal because Elon knows how bad that would be. It was a spontaneous expletive which likely did have passing thoughts concerning the failed Austrian Painter who never had a real job. Motherfucker Musk wanted to see what he could get by with. Push it to the limit without going over the edge like a high school class clown. Me at 14 years old. Trump and Musk both like to push it. They scratch a common itch.
The failed painter had to be on his mind :Elon Musk doubles down on endorsement of far-right German party in conversation on X
Elon Musk urged Germans to vote for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in an upcoming election.Elon Musk urged Germans to vote for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in an upcoming election in a conversation with its leader on his social media platform X that highlighted the U.S. billionaire's growing ambition to sway European politics.
In a wide-ranging, sometimes stilted conversation that touched on immigration, German bureaucracy, energy policy, space colonization, God and Adolf Hitler, Musk and AfD chancellor candidate Alice Weidel agreed that the AfD was the answer to Germany's malaise.
"People really need to get behind AfD, otherwise things are going to get very, very much worse in Germany," Musk said. "I think Alice Weidel is a very reasonable person. Nothing outrageous is being proposed."
Musk was doubling down on his endorsement last month of the anti-immigration, anti-Islamic party labeled as right-wing-extremist by German security services, which has caused consternation in Berlin and accusations of undue influence.
The AfD has almost no chance of forming a government despite polling in second place as other parties refuse to work with it. Still, critics worry that Musk's support for the AfD could further bolster its popularity, eroding support for mainstream parties and making it harder for them to form a coherent coalition.
Musk's endorsement of the AfD and increasingly vocal support for far-right and anti-establishment parties across Europe comes after he last year used X and his vast wealth to help Republican candidate Donald Trump win the Nov. 5 U.S. presidential election.
Speaking in fluent English, Weidel expressed gratitude for Musk's support, saying that the opportunity to speak with Musk was the first time in 10 years that she had been allowed a platform to say her piece without interruption from a media world that, she said, was biased against her.
While the two touched on policy, agreeing that Germany's decision to exit nuclear power was "crazy" and that immigration was out of control, they were more animated when discussing abstract matters.
'Hitler was a communist' <--------- NOT, in no fucking way is that true.
Asked by Musk to dispel any concerns that her party might be similar to Hitler's Nazis, Weidel said the genocidal dictator "was a communist" whereas hers was a "conservative libertarian" party.
"The biggest success (of other parties) after that terrible era in our history was to label Adolf Hitler as right and conservative. He was exactly the opposite. He wasn't a conservative, he wasn't a libertarian. He was a communist socialist guy," she said.
Almost all historians agree that Hitler, an eliminationist nationalist, was of the far-right.
Musk has defended his right to weigh in on German politics because of his "significant investments," namely Tesla's TSLA.O first European plant, and has praised the AfD's approach to regulation, taxes and market deregulation.
Musk recalled the bureaucratic hurdles that confronted him in opening the German Tesla plant.
"I think it was 25,000 pages was our permit. And it had to be all printed on paper," Musk said. "And then there has to be many, many copies made. So it literally was a truck of paper."
Last August, Musk held a similar talk with Trump, who has since tasked the entrepreneur with leading a drive to make U.S. government more efficient.
Weidel led the second half of the conversation, inviting Musk to explain his vision for peace in Ukraine, the colonisation of Mars and the concept of God. On the latter two points, Musk was forthcoming, but he declined to be drawn on Ukraine, saying a settlement was a matter for Trump.
On energy, Musk backed Germany's renewable ambitions but agreed with Weidel that turning off the nuclear power plants was a bad idea.
"When I saw that Germany was turning off the power plants after being cut off from gas supplies from Russia, I thought ... this is one of the craziest things I've ever seen," he said.
Leaders across Europe have expressed alarm over Musk's political activities in recent days, with some urging the EU to use its laws more robustly to guard the continent's democracies from outside influence.
The European Commission has said it will look at the discussion as part of its ongoing probe into X and possible violations of its Digital Services Act for potentially giving preferential treatment to "certain types of content."
(Reporting by Sarah Marsh, Thomas Escritt and Matthias Williams in Berlin; Additional reporting by Andreas Rinke and Friederike Heine in Berlin and Philip Blenkinsop in Brussels; Editing Gareth Jones and Matthew Lewis)
The Link (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2025/01/09/elon-musk-german-far-right-party-hitler/77584508007/)
2025 : In the year 2025. man had gone insane.... How is the collapse going with a new "savior" as the new emperor? Can he glue it back together? I hear he can do 6th grade level jigsaw puzzles. :) KD, I keep waiting for another meet up with ER group. Have U heard anything?
I have seen the results of the new peace deal. Welcome home signs everywhere. Geez. It looks surreal with hundreds of people walking through a destroyed city. What home? They didn't make a dent in Hamas. This has been a land grab, and America helped, a lot. The billions the empire has spent, while it's nation crumbles is a sign of immanent collapse, unless the orange haired wizard brokers the deal of this decade. :)
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 21, 2025, 05:32 PMLucky you. I drew The Congo straw... so I just quit.
Last week I got initiated into the IOOF! Secret handshake and everything!
So secret I don't even know what the heck the IOOF is!
Quote from: RE on Jan 21, 2025, 06:08 PMDoes the dripping sarcasm in the last 2 posts indicate both of you feel that identifying Musk as a Nazi is nonsense equivalent to Illuminati conspiracy theories? You feel that Billionaires flashing the Nazi salute is one of those things that "doesn't matter" and you "don't care" about?
I think Elon giving the Nazi salute is perfectly normal in the America we now find ourselves in. And obviously the Illuminati are not a conspiracy theory as some of us here have professed to being recruited right out of high school by them based on familial relations. With me it was more a suspicious sideways glance, a few whispered questions, and then dismissed out of hand for not immediately displaying the level of sychophancy they required.
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 21, 2025, 09:06 PMJust having a laugh, really.
Better tune your sense of humor properly around here. Some humor is allowed, some is not.
Quote from: comrade simbaMe and TDos have known each other for decades on the doom boards so there may be a bit of private reference chuckling that isn't associated or aimed at anyone on this board. I'll try to keep my comments on topic though.
This doom board ain't those ones. Doom was once free wheeling and cool, and then it turns out we all didn't know dick about oil, so it turned into collapses and politics and now it is just creeping fascism and a high cost of living. And places once buried in acolytes like peakoil.com have 3 regular posters, moderators are all gone, and the only people talking about peak oil are the idiots that didn't learn anything about it all the times it happened during the lifetime of the board.
Quote from: comrade simbaIs seig heil german for thank you? Open hand on heart, not a fist. Musk certainly ain't Nation, anyway. Maybe just sloppy? I'll give him a couple of points for not being at Davos where the power elite are gathered this week. And points for the both of them for the sheer entertainment value of the theater of the absurd.
Gotta put "Was that a nazi salute?" into I don't know.
Close enough for non-connoisseurs of the technique. Struck me as one pretty easily, but I've never been much of a Nazi-fanboi or Proud Boy or whatever is Nazi nowadays rather than just Republican or Democrat.
Quote from: RE on Jan 21, 2025, 10:16 PMQuote from: comrade simba on Jan 21, 2025, 09:58 PMIlluminati, really? They're the ones stuffing suitcases fulla cash into campaign war chests for congressional votes?
Who do you think funds the PACs?
Rich people. No requirement they be mysterious pseudo conspiracy entangled .....people (aliens?).
Quote from: REThe money in those suitcases gotta come from somewhere, and it's not from GoFuundMe contributions.
Something wrong with rich people, drug dealers, oligarchs, bankers, folks who inherited rich, the Elks and Shriners, and all the usual suspects?
QuoteQuote- where do you stand on The Jewish Question?
What is the Jewish Question? Was Jesus the Messiah? Does wearing a Yarmulke protect your bald spot from sunburn? Are they cheapskates? Are Jewish girls better fucks?
It figures your mind goes to Jewish girls and fucking, I imagine being trapped along with dozens of other shuffling geriatrics in a warehouse doesn't have much opportunity for boozing and getting high in a bar getting wasted while shining on some Inuit girl about stories of....how height really doesn't correlate with....you know....other parts. ;D
Quote from: TDoS on Jan 22, 2025, 06:53 AMIt figures your mind goes to Jewish girls and fucking,
Quote from: TDoS on Jan 22, 2025, 06:41 AMThis doom board ain't those ones. Doom was once free wheeling and cool, and then it turns out we all didn't know dick about oil, so it turned into collapses and politics and now it is just creeping fascism and a high cost of living. And places once buried in acolytes like peakoil.com have 3 regular posters, moderators are all gone, and the only people talking about peak oil are the idiots that didn't learn anything about it all the times it happened during the lifetime of the board.
Six days in the cooler. (3 days x 2) You now that insulting other Diners is against the rules. You have no excuse.
Quote from: Knarf on Jan 22, 2025, 04:38 AM2025 : In the year 2025. man had gone insane.... How is the collapse going with a new "savior" as the new emperor? Can he glue it back together? I hear he can do 6th grade level jigsaw puzzles. :) KD, I keep waiting for another meet up with ER group. Have U heard anything?
I have seen the results of the new peace deal. Welcome home signs everywhere. Geez. It looks surreal with hundreds of people walking through a destroyed city. What home? They didn't make a dent in Hamas. This has been a land grab, and America helped, a lot. The billions the empire has spent, while it's nation crumbles is a sign of immanent collapse, unless the orange haired wizard brokers the deal of this decade. :)
Nothing from Roger recently, but I have been too busy to check. I am busy with my local socialist group and I have not been able to join the online group on the weekend because of work. There is going to be hell breaking loose soon, and the best way to deal with the situation is being planned out.
The Democrats are too stupid to figure out that Boss Girl's full endorsement of the policies of genocide Joe cost them the election.
There is opportunity for a new way. Nanci Pelosi and Co. would have to venture to Peru and do ayahuasca for the Democrats to figure out how they screwed up. Not going to happen.
Quote from: K-Dog on Jan 22, 2025, 09:31 AMSix days in the cooler. (3 days x 2) You now that insulting other Diners is against the rules. You have no excuse.
I was gonna let that one slide. You were light on that last one though, so this makes up for it. I will tack on some extra time for the remarks about Inuit girls. Bonus 7th day.
Quote from: K-Dog on Jan 22, 2025, 09:46 AMThe Democrats are too stupid to figure out that Boss Girl's full endorsement of the policies of genocide Joe cost them the election. There is opportunity for a new way.
Personally, I think it was their policy on Trannies that cost them the election.
Quote from: RE on Jan 22, 2025, 09:49 AMQuote from: K-Dog on Jan 22, 2025, 09:31 AMSix days in the cooler. (3 days x 2) You now that insulting other Diners is against the rules. You have no excuse.
I was gonna let that one slide. You were light on that last one though, so this makes up for it. I will tack on some extra time for the remarks about Inuit girls. Bonus 7th day.
Good, a full week is better. It gives us an extra day too.
Quote from: TDoS on Jan 22, 2025, 06:32 AMRich people. No requirement they be mysterious pseudo conspiracy entangled .....people (aliens?).
All rich people aren't Illuminati, but all Illuminati are rich. The unconnected rich don't fund PACs. Maybe they make a donation to the Red Cross, but they don't fund lobbyists.
I didn't recall you having been recruited by the lizards. Not surprised though given your line of work.
QuoteI think Elon giving the Nazi salute is perfectly normal in the America we now find ourselves in. And obviously the Illuminati are not a conspiracy theory as some of us here have professed to being recruited right out of high school by them based on familial relations. With me it was more a suspicious sideways glance, a few whispered questions, and then dismissed out of hand for not immediately displaying the level of sychophancy they required.
Even without the syncophancy,you served their interest well.
RE - re: #29 - Not fair to argue against a post by someone who is in the cooler.
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 22, 2025, 10:57 AMRE - re: #29 - Not fair to argue against a post by someone who is in the cooler.
Life is not fair. The Diner is a microcosm of life. ;D He can respond when he gets out.
Its like beating prisoners in their cell. Oh well, your house, your rules. Apply #2 & #3. It's only the interwebz, after all.
So tying in The Jewish Question and Elon's... er, gesture, Let's see what the Jews themselves have to say.
QuoteWashington, DC – After Elon Musk made an apparent Nazi salute at an inauguration rally for United States President Donald Trump, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) rushed to defend the SpaceX founder.
The self-described anti-Semitism watchdog and "leading anti-hate organization in the world" dismissed Musk's raised arm as "an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm" in a social media post on Monday.
Confusing. Full on genocidal action towards the Palestinians is now in the same league as Hitler's intent to drive the Jews out of his domains, but the oft-maligned nazi salute is okey doke? If this was Hollywood the director would be screaming "Who's in charge of continuity!"
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 22, 2025, 11:43 AMIts like beating prisoners in their cell. Oh well, your house, your rules. Apply #2 & #3. It's only the interwebz, after all.
Yes, it's exactly like that. He' Cool Hand Luke. I'm the Captain.
What we've got here...is FAILURE TO COMMUNICATEQuoteSo tying in The Jewish Question and Elon's... er, gesture, Let's see what the Jews themselves have to say.
QuoteWashington, DC – After Elon Musk made an apparent Nazi salute at an inauguration rally for United States President Donald Trump, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) rushed to defend the SpaceX founder.
The self-described anti-Semitism watchdog and "leading anti-hate organization in the world" dismissed Musk's raised arm as "an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm" in a social media post on Monday.
Confusing. Full on genocidal action towards the Palestinians is now in the same league as Hitler's intent to drive the Jews out of his domains, but the oft-maligned nazi salute is okey doke? If this was Hollywood the director would be screaming "Who's in charge of continuity!"
Not confusing at all. You have to realize there is a difference between the religion of Judaism and the political state of Israel. Zionists are Nazis. The lesson the European Jews who founded Israel took out of WWII is that he who controls the state apparatus does whatever it has to to continue its own existence. Hitler radicalized them, and they are just as ruthless as he was.
So you are of the opinion that the ADL is aligned with the State of Israel over jewism as a ethnic/religious group. Henceforth, the equation: ADL = Zionist = Nazi, would not be met with resistance on your part?
I'm new here so I'm reconning the terrain a bit. Assumptions usually lead to miscommunication.
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 22, 2025, 03:25 PMSo you are of the opinion that the ADL is aligned with the State of Israel over jewism as a ethnic/religious group. Henceforth, the equation: ADL = Zionist = Nazi, would not be met with resistance on your part?
There is no word "Jewishism". The noun classifying the religion is "Judaism", like "Christianity" classifies the Christian religion.
The ADL is a Zionist organization and Israel is a Zionist state. If you break it down in set theory, Zionists are a subset of Jews. All Zionists are Jewish, but all Jews are not Zionists. Thus you can be anti-Zionist without being anti-semitic. The ADL and the Israeli state however conflates them, so their position is that if you are anti-Israel, you're anti-semitic. That's the logical fallacy which confuses the issue. If you're clear on set theory, it shouldn't confuse you.
QuoteHitler radicalized them, and they are just as ruthless as he was.
Absolutely. And ruthless with a little help from their friends.
I didn't use the term Jewishism, you did. I said Jewism, and that along with jewist, jewey, etc. can be looked at like Jesus freak or fundie - dismissive disparaging slang. Anyway, we got ADL = zionist = nazi nailed down. Are there any other jewie orgs that are not part of the Cabal?
How does the Jew Banker Conspiracy theory fare here?
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 22, 2025, 08:28 PMHow does the Jew Banker Conspiracy theory fare here?
I don't think it's ever come up. My personal opinion is it's not a conspiracy, it's a
Tradition. Ever since the days when Christians weren't allowed to charge interest, Jews went into the Banking Biz. Couple this with the tradition of putting a high value on education, even impoverished Jews were good at math. So they make good bankers, and Jews tend to hire other Jews. That's clannishness, not conspiracy.
Far as Jewism as slang goes, never heard that. Or Jewie. I think the usual terms are Hebs, Yids or Kikes. I use some slang for fun, like Krauts and Nips and Frogs. However, I stay away from the really incendiary ones like Niggers and Chinks. I feel they carry too much baggage and you can be misinterpreted too easily for being racist. I would put the slang used for Jews in the same category. Makes it too easy to be interpreted as being an antisemite.
Quote from: comrade simba on Jan 22, 2025, 08:28 PMI didn't use the term Jewishism, you did. I said Jewism, and that along with jewist, jewey, etc. can be looked at like Jesus freak or fundie - dismissive disparaging slang. Anyway, we got ADL = zionist = nazi nailed down. Are there any other jewie orgs that are not part of the Cabal?
How does the Jew Banker Conspiracy theory fare here?
It does not work for me. Jews are for the most part normal people who are as good or bad as anyone else. Which of course means they can be totally and absolutely fucked up. But that is a tangential issue having to do with being human.
Yet another test for the judicial system to see if Trump is above the law. If you or I violated a court order so blatantly we would be arrested on the spot. The fact nobody immediately stood up and called for impeachment shows just how weak CONgress is here. They are simply folding and allowing him to take dictatorial control.
It's pretty pathetic overall. The fact we so far have almost no protest from J6P also goes a long way toward the collective "it's OUR own fault" guilt analysis. At the very least the internet should be lit up with calls for impeachment. Let me go on record as saying the Diner supports the impeachment of Donald Trump for High Crimes & Misdemeanors.
Based on this analysis, it appears the chances for the FSoA maintaining even the window dressing of "democracy" are pretty slim. Also, I don't see why he would even give up the White House when his term finishes.
Don't expect the courts to save us from Donald Trump
Quote from: RE on Feb 10, 2025, 05:21 PMLet me go on record as saying the Diner supports the impeachment of Donald Trump for High Crimes & Misdemeanors.
You have a second.
Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 11, 2025, 03:49 PMQuote from: RE on Feb 10, 2025, 05:21 PMLet me go on record as saying the Diner supports the impeachment of Donald Trump for High Crimes & Misdemeanors.
You have a second.
And a third.
It's true the courts won't save us. The judges who won't rollover will be left to enforce their rulings at a time when Trump controls DOJ, the FBI and thousands of brownshirts itching for stochastic terrorism.
Looking at the results of this poll, it's pretty EZ to see why we're DOOMED. The average J6P is a total idiot.
Quote from: RE on Feb 13, 2025, 05:31 AMLooking at the results of this poll, it's pretty EZ to see why we're DOOMED. The average J6P is a total idiot.
I figure 80% of Americans are class traitors. It is what comes from living in dreamland.
* Don't look back, you could turn into a pillar of salt.
As usual, Bernie is saying the right things and making an effort to push back in the Class War, which as Warren Buffett noted, "the rich are winning". I am dubious about his potential for success with building a grassroots movement though.
Problem 1 of course is activism is out of style for most Amerikans,and most of them areoverwhelmed with just trying to get by. They don't want to risk what little they have in any kind of action.
Beyond that is Bernie himself. Although his politics are good, he's another geriatric. What a new movement needs is a charismatic young leader who Millenials and Gen Z can follow. Boomers need to get out of politics and make way for GenXers or later to step up to the plate. Unfortunately, Boomers have held onto the positions of power so long, nobody from succeeeding generations has even had a chance to get known politically.
Anyhow. at least this sets up an organization to rally arouund. Just have to see where it goes.
Overflow Omaha crowd launches U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders' 'Fighting Oligarchy' tour