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My Doomstead

Started by 18hammers, Jun 30, 2023, 09:49 PM

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One of the reasons I don't have animals here (other than dogs) is that I always worried about their care if something happened to me, Not that I want or need animals, mostly just have wanted chickens just for the fresh eggs. I have always been able to get deer meat every year (moose last year) so no pressing need for anything other than chickens.
A couple years back I posted a add on the usual social media forums looking for someone who maybe had a rv, school bus conversion, or any such thing that would like a cheap place to live. I could supply power from my solar system, high speed internet, water, hook up to the septic, pretty much everything. My thought was since I was getting older it would be nice to have someone around just in case something happened to me, being found before the dogs get hungry would be nice.
I did not get the response I hoped for. People I suspected were looking for a place to hide, people who didn't want to follow public health orders. After this accident I am going to try again, it is hard to find the right person/people but after being pinned under that tree with the stuffing knocked out of me, I don't want cyotes to be the first thing to find me. If that chain saw had not been within reach I would have been done for.


Couldn't you wear some type of life alert?  Are you too far out in the bush for cell phone coverage?  How about using your own WiFi and connection to the internet?


Nearings Fault

Quote from: 18hammers on Oct 08, 2023, 12:01 PMOne of the reasons I don't have animals here (other than dogs) is that I always worried about their care if something happened to me, Not that I want or need animals, mostly just have wanted chickens just for the fresh eggs. I have always been able to get deer meat every year (moose last year) so no pressing need for anything other than chickens.
A couple years back I posted a add on the usual social media forums looking for someone who maybe had a rv, school bus conversion, or any such thing that would like a cheap place to live. I could supply power from my solar system, high speed internet, water, hook up to the septic, pretty much everything. My thought was since I was getting older it would be nice to have someone around just in case something happened to me, being found before the dogs get hungry would be nice.
I did not get the response I hoped for. People I suspected were looking for a place to hide, people who didn't want to follow public health orders. After this accident I am going to try again, it is hard to find the right person/people but after being pinned under that tree with the stuffing knocked out of me, I don't want cyotes to be the first thing to find me. If that chain saw had not been within reach I would have been done for.
I have found to be a decent forum. There are boards for people looking for volunteers as well as regional boards. Can't guarantee a decent candidate but I would guess lower proportions then from other sources 


Sorry, I skimmed this post and did not address the problem correctly.

If you are seeking younger people to live on your Doomstead in exchange for helping with the work, there is a program that matches up people like this, but it is designed primarily for those interested in Organic Farming.  I think though it also draws people who are mainly interested in living off grid, and the farming part is not necessarily essential.

It is walled WWOOF, or World Wide Workers On Organic Farms.  Here is their website:

Let us know if you find your perfect match!



Quote from: RE on Oct 08, 2023, 07:14 PMSorry, I skimmed this post and did not address the problem correctly.

If you are seeking younger people to live on your Doomstead in exchange for helping with the work, there is a program that matches up people like this, but it is designed primarily for those interested in Organic Farming.  I think though it also draws people who are mainly interested in living off grid, and the farming part is not necessarily essential.

It is walled WWOOF, or World Wide Workers On Organic Farms.  Here is their website:

Let us know if you find your perfect match!

I will look it over. I don't really need help as such, more just someone often around in case of a misadventure like I just had.

Nearings Fault

From my own experiences Woofers tend to be travellers looking for experiences along the way. Permies tend to be people wanting to build a life...


Quote from: Knarf on Oct 12, 2023, 04:49 AMMisa and I are the last of the community here. I am 72, she will be 65 soon. We don't know what our future will be, and do not have anyone to keep the project going. I wonder about putting our "Intentional Community" description on the There are hundreds of IC's and people scanning them to find one that fits their desires. Then we will have a vetting process. If they pass that have them move in for a trial period, say a year, and afterward they will know if they want to stay.
  If Preppers are more interested in staying, where can we find resources to find them?

If I was not such a wreck and knew what the Medicaid program was like down there in terms of how much they pay home health care givers and it wasn't so costly to ship down my mobility machines and I don't like hot weather at all, I'd consider joining you myself down there.  I have a huge SS check compared to yours along with my union pension so that alone would up your income by about the $1000/mo I figure to pay for rent here, and additionally Medicaid in AK gives me about 4hrs/day for a PCA, which here is around $17/hr, so if you or Misa signed up with an agency to be my helper, that would come to another $2000/mo income.  I don't need all that much help either, just showering, changing clothes twice a week (I wear the same outfit day and night and sleep in my recliner), and last and least pleasant, assistance wiping my butt (although when I move out this time I am going to install a bidet with the toilet, so that should be unnecessary most of the time).  Otherwise, it is EZ work, and my real problem is finding things for my PCA to do to fill the 4 hours of time they get paid for.

Downside, I'm 66 myself so I wouldn't be carrying on the project any longer than either of you, but $3000/mo possible additional income would be helpful in terms of fixing the place up and buying Doom Prep gadgets.  8)

Worth considering anyhow.  Could you make the Doomstead wheelchair accessible, and is the bathroom big enough for an electric wheelchair to maneuver?  Also, despite the obvious energy consumption problem, I would absolutely need to install an air conditioner in my room.  Even with that, I'm not sure I could tolerate the heat and humidity down there.



Well, a start would be a floorplan of the building with the dimensions of any rooms I would need accessible.  That would be the living room, a bedroom if I was to use one, the bathroom I would use and the kitchen.  Also the garage or location I would store my outdoor machine when indoors and scooting around on the electric wheelchair.  That location needs to be covered and have an electric outlet for charging.

I don't necessarily need a bedroom if the living room or rec room is big enough, I have zero need for privacy, just a spot for my recliner that can be darkened and out of the main flow of traffic.  I have no set sleeping schedule, and sleep usually about 2 hours 3 times during a 24 hour period, sometimes 2 or 4 times.  I spend much more time in the recliner awake but with my eyes closed meditating, and unless you touch my foot or make a loud noise, you can't tell if I am awake or asleep.  Rest of the time I am at the computer or rolling around somewhere.

Any building is just ramps if needed or possibly stair lifts, but I would need photos and if it was a big job, probably too much money.  Most anything else I can get stuff from home depot, any anybody who knows how to use an electric drill and stud finder can mount wall bars or ceiling lifts etc.

Hot water is not an issue because I do sponge baths, so you just need to be able to heat a large pot of water to mix with some room temp water in a plastic bucket with liquid soap.  Then same again for rinse with no soap.

Next would be to find out what the medicaid reimbursement rates are down there and what is involved in moving from AK to MO and how long the approval process takes, and whether a pre-approval is possible before I leave.  Without that, I doubt I would eave, because giving up my bennies here without being certain I would get similar ones there would be really stupid.

Right now I would rate the chances as low as long as I am getting the full $16,500/mo it takes to keep me housed in this place covered by medicare/medicaid, until I gt offered suitable indepedent living housing, despite having only $200/mo disposable income right now.  Chances would shift to extremely high though if med/med takes me off long term care and shifts me to the waiver program, in which case they will try to force me to go to the first available assisted living gulag with a cell open, which I absolutely will not do.  I won't sign discharge papers even if they waterboard me.  lol.

So. it's worthwhile to have a plan in place to prepare for this possibility.  Boy Scout Motto: BE PREPARED!



Collapsing Garage?  Like a tent?  I definitely need to see photos of outside and inside.

Yes, medicaid ic impossible, and SS itself can be a problem with changing addresses and banks.  All of that presents the biggest obstacle to making a move like this.  Also why doing it pretty much only comes as a last resort if they change my status and reimbursement rates.  It is guaranteed at least 6 months of screwed up payments and getting hooked up properly.

The proceedure for getting paid is this.  Find an agency in your area that provides home health care workers.  All of them are understaffed and she will have little problem being hired, as long as she can pass a background check.  No special education is necessary to get hired,  I think some of mine didn't even graduate HS.  Some experience is welcome.  You get a couple of weeks training I think, requirements differ by state.  Then you take an exam for your Personal Care Assistant (PCA) certificate.  You can take a longer Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class and get usually about $2/hr more pay. 

Once hired, they will call you with possible clients to work for,part time hours or full time, you fit to your schedule and the client.  If you have a specific client (me) you want to work for, my Care Coordinator fills out the paperwork so the agency gets reimbursed by medicaid, and you get paid by the agency.  If you are really an entrpreneur, you set up your own agency and get reimbursement directly from medicaid at a much higher rate, but the logistics of setting that up I am not familiar with.  Mucho paperwork involved, unless you intend on making a business out oof it and trying to hire people to do the work, not worth it.

Cats not a problem, as long as the litter box is far away.  lol.Currently, I don't need any lifts unless I fall down accidentally, which I haven't had happen for over a year, but good to have available if I do have an accident.  Setup depends on type, and some arent mounted but free standing oon casters to roll around.  Hoyer is one common typ.

I'll send my email in a PM.