
Started by K-Dog, May 18, 2023, 10:24 AM

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This is not a hard question.  The Berkeley Earth project, which conducts independent analyses of global temperature data, estimates that global warming surpassed 1 degree Celsius ain 2017.

This is 2024 and the current level was not supposed to happen until 2030 according to the IPCC.  That was then, this is now and 2030 no longer has meaning so:

(2024 - 2017) * 0.85 = 6 years !

The 0.85 fudge factor I get to use because I have been watching the CO2 levels accelerate.  The blip down from COVID is 'ovah'. Further I took a look at the CH4 concentration yesterday.

The Permian Basin Play is putting out methane like there is no tomorrow!


There you go RE,  I say 2030 and Monsta says 2032.

At that time it is reasonable to expect the Climate Fuckification Index to be twice what it is now.  With all the bugs gone it will be pegged in the red.

Smack on 2.  And too far in the red, Zed is Dead.


What's cooking?  People!  It's what's for Dinner! lol.  Slow cooked while sitting in traffic on the way back from work after spending all day at the office when the HVAC went out.  Tender and juicy Rack of Homo Sap and Long Pig Ribs.  Fortunately here on the Last Great Frontier, we're still in the 70s the last cupla days of cloudless sunshine.

Acclimatized as I am to cold though, even 75 feels uncomfortable, but at least when I run my fan it's enough to stay cool.  Down in the lower 48, turn the fan on with a 100+F day, and basically you turn your living room into a convection oven or air fryer.

You can add to pandemics and famine Heat Stroke as one of the Death Vectors that will help cull the population as we run short on Juice to keep the AC compressors going full tilt.  This will hit Old folks and kids the hardest because your sweat glands don't fully develop until puberty and they are among the first endocrine glands to start failing as you age.  Also poor people obviously since they are least likely to have AC.

On the positive side, we can save gas and electricity by switching to solar ovens.  :)  :)



Atmospheric CO2

January 2025      426.56 ppm
January 2024      422.80 ppm

Annual change:      +0.89%    <---------------

Last updated: Feb 07, 2025
Source: Global Monitoring Laboratory

* Closing in on 1% a year.  There has been significant acceleration since I began annual tracking of the increase.