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Collapse Cafe 2024

Started by RE, Jan 01, 2024, 02:06 PM

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QuoteHe's a foot taller and I think breathing the thinner air up there addled his brain.

I definitely have a different perspective.

Part of the reason I am so healthy is because the work I am doing gives me a bit of a work out.  It is nice to be twice as strong as I would be without the job.  Paradoxically the best thing a person can do to maintain mental acuity up is exercise.  The benefit of good blood flow is more important than working crossword puzzles and stuff like that.

We all know it takes more than exercise to be smart.  But smart people exercise. Steven Hawking might have been an exception to this rule.  But maybe not.  His brilliance was shown before his motor neurone disease developed.  I don't know his story well enough to say if he did significant work later in life.

QuoteI would have no trouble finding shit to do with myself, and I can live on just SS no problemo.

I also have no trouble finding things to do.  There are not enough hours in the day to do what I want.  I absolutely am not working 'for something to do'.  But I have experienced periods of unemployment.  I learned it is hard to keep your own steam up without outside stimulation on a long term basis.  Left to our own devices we get lazy and slow down. 

This summer I was scheduled for too many hours, and I let my employer know.  I was told they want to keep me, and will schedule me for fewer hours.  Whatever I want.  Things worked out.

My situation is like a student with a part time job.  If someone goes to school and works part time they will have better grades than someone without a job provided the part time job is less than 20 hours a week.  More than that 20 hours a week and the job gets in the way.

Everybody's situation is different.  The number of hours will be different for different people.  Some schooling is more demanding.  But the idea is, a bit of structure gives back more than it takes away, provided the structure does not overwhelm.


The longest in the new 2024 season on the Collapse Cafe.  In this one Monsta & I discuss the issues with transitioning to EV passenger vehicles.  We intended to discuss trucking and oil supply issues also, but we're both long winded when we get going, so those topics will be covered in future vids.  1:13 is already longer than the 1 hour I consider maximum for the attention span of most viewers.



Got a new articulated swing arm bracket to mount my phone on my EV Cripple Cart.  8)   First video, more to follow!



More on the Petrodollar demise.



Perking up the scenery.  :)




The global shortage of soldiers.  What is the future of warfare?



Denial-It's not just a River in Egypt



Quote from: RE on Jun 20, 2024, 03:25 AMAI must die!


Loved your talk!! I see that there is a huge conflict with cost of AI compared to what is needed right now and that our voting should go to immediate needs of housing, health, food supply, and inequality demise. We are right in the midst of a ton of money being invested in AI and other "pie in the sky" dreamer inventions. It is a battle ground. We still have the "war" games to deal with before either can progress. How it will unfold is any bodies guess. AI will be employed in various sectors of our world now, how much, and to what degree is being hashed out. Along with that we have BAU which frankly I don't see stopping anytime soon. We are political robots, continuing to make stupid political decisions every day. I see AI dominating the investment game and also leading our society into a world that is integrated with massive AI development. Hopefully along the way AI will figure out we need equality, housing, adequate health care and education, and a meaningful existence. :)


Quote from: Knarf on Jun 22, 2024, 05:27 AM
Quote from: RE on Jun 20, 2024, 03:25 AMAI must die!


Loved your talk!! I see that there is a huge conflict with cost of AI compared to what is needed right now and that our voting should go to immediate needs of housing, health, food supply, and inequality demise. We are right in the midst of a ton of money being invested in AI and other "pie in the sky" dreamer inventions. It is a battle ground. We still have the "war" games to deal with before either can progress. How it will unfold is any bodies guess. AI will be employed in various sectors of our world now, how much, and to what degree is being hashed out. Along with that we have BAU which frankly I don't see stopping anytime soon. We are political robots, continuing to make stupid political decisions every day. I see AI dominating the investment game and also leading our society into a world that is integrated with massive AI development. Hopefully along the way AI will figure out we need equality, housing, adequate health care and education, and a meaningful existence. :)

Glad u r out there watching Knarf!



Blowing off some steam about the Affordable Housing Clusterfuck.  >:(  >:(



I liked it.  Nice rant.  Lives on hold because money is sucked up by an affluent few and everything costs money.  Lives on hold and nobody seems to care.


Noise pollution amid CO2 burning vehicle at ground level and above, hope you can hear my thoughts on the purported Assissination attempt on El Trumpo and the likely resignation from the election by the POTUS Dementus Uncle Joe.