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The Great Starvation Begins

Started by RE, Dec 26, 2024, 06:30 AM

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Cuba's energy crisis is just the tip of the iceberg of a ballooning humanitarian assisstance crisis to the poor nations of the world that have become dependent on wealthy nations that have been providing Food Aid for the last half century, enabling them to breed up the low paid Wage Slaves needed by Capitalism.

Now however economic growth has stalled, formerly wealthy nations like France and Germany are deep in debt and to balance their budgets they are slashing the amount of money they allocate to foreign aid.  The result of this is an ever growing number of people who are dieing of STARVATION around the world each year.

Do the western nations who entrapped these small countries into dependency on loans from the IMF to "modernize" and electrify their cities so they could build factories to sell cheap goods to the west feel any resposibility for engineering this humanitarian disaster?  Of course not!  It's THEIR fault for becoming dependent on the surplus food sent to them to feed the last 3 generation of Capitalist Slaves. 

Sure, these countries were poor and they experienced periodic famines where people starved, but prior to the Green Revolution and the global programs of the UN to distribute surplus food the populations were mostly rural and the problems usually localized due to bad harvests and weather.  The expansion and industrializations created densely populated urban centers ripe for exploitation by capitalists, with a surrounding rural population unable to feed them even when the harvests were good.  Take away the food aid now, and the starvation numbers go from the 1000s to the 10s or 100s of 1000s

These nations also are the only ones left with birth rates above replacement level which have provided the immigrants western nations have needed to keep their populations growing.  The increasing Death Rate will remove that surplus, and the Global Dieoff will begin in earnest. The endgame is upon us.



In case you haven't noticed, Il Duce Trumpo is rapidly changing the FSoA goobermint into a Dictatorship.  He has spent his first few days in office issuing Presidenttial Orders in almost every area of da goobermint, firing hundreds of people involved in oversight, declaring an Emergency in Energy and now cutting off funding of loan and grant programs.  Basically he is using War Powers to govern by diktat, which is the definition of a dictatorship.  Doesn't matter if CONgress has passed legislation, if he doesn't like where the money is going he cuts off the funding.

Of course previous POTUS have made executive orders on taking office, the difference here is the scope of what he is doing.  He is running the country like Elon Musk runs his companies, as though he is both CEO and majority stock holder.  It doesn't matter what the rest of the Board of Directors think, he makes all the decisions and if they don't agree, too bad.

The Donald gets a thrill from being in charge and dishing out orders, and the more upset people get by his diktats, the more he likes it.  People who have this kind of psychology need constant reinforcement of their power, and he'll keep on doing it and pushing the envelope to demonstrate he is IN CHARGE.  If that means ordering the Marines to invade Greenland and Canada for "National Security", he'll do it.

The question is when or if the CONgress and Amerikan people will realize this and try to put a stop to it before it's too late.  Right now it's not looking too good.

All federal grants and loan disbursement paused by White House



Quote from: RE on Jan 28, 2025, 12:06 AMIn case you haven't noticed, Il Duce Trumpo is rapidly changing the FSoA goobermint into a Dictatorship.