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I hereby propose a Doomstead Diner community game (!)

Started by UnhingedBecauseLucid, Feb 04, 2024, 08:35 AM

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Look everybody ! "Peak oil" was uttered WITHOUT THE MANDATORY "demand" suppository analgesic thrown at the end !

**Edit:TIME STAMP IS THE 4:56 min mark.
I could not link that specific stamp for some reason.

It may not seem to be of much significance ... it may merely be a careless phrasing, a lapse (!)
But I've caught them on the spot so very few times [and so very far in between] that it's such an event every time. I feel like putting on a birthday party hat and blowing in one of those unfolding spiral paper whistle horn thingies. My mind cannot but make a game of it.

So I hereby propose to make it an Official Doomstead Diner Community Game !

Each time a member catches a MAINSTREAM MEDIA (of any country) uttering the term "Peak Oil" straight up, they must come and register the event in this thread.
At the end of the year, we tally the result. RE makes the official post, ceremoniously entering the number of qualified registered events for the year on a graph so we can plot the yearly progression as time goes by.

P.S. There is a case to be made to include the "Peak Everything" term that made a brief incursion some time ago or, to spice things up, to include cases where the media alludes to oil reserves finiteness and ever increasing scarcity in no uncertain terms ... (although that could introduce a little too much subjectivity).
"Man can do what he will but cannot will what he wills." ~A. Schopenhauer


Game on.  But any videos we generate or are a part of can't qualify.

Good for her, she threw a pass, but he intercepted it like his team has a copy of the SeaChicken playbook.

Peak oil morphed into 'we are late on the energy transition, but we are still going to make it.  And sadly she may be looking for a new job.

When she said it, it was BEAUTIFUL.