Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

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A famine bibliography

Started by K-Dog, Feb 17, 2024, 12:00 PM

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  •     Bowbrick, Peter. 1986. "A Refutation of Sen's Theory of Famine." Food Policy 11(2): 105–124.
  •     Davis, Mike. 2000. Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World. London: Verso.
  •     Devereux, Stephen. 2000. "Famine in the Twentieth Century." Institute of Development Studies Working Paper No. 105, Brighton, Eng.: IDS.
  •     Drèze, Jean, and Amartya K. Sen. 1989. Hunger and Public Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  •     Dyson, Tim. 1991. "The Demography of South Asian Famines." Population Studies 45(1): 5–25 and 45(2): 279–297.
  •     Dyson, Tim, and Cormac Ó Gráda, eds. 2002. Famine Demography: Perspectives from the Past and Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  •     Garnsey, Peter. 1988. Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
  •     Hionidou, Violetta. 2002. "'Send Us Either Food or Coffins': The 1941–2 Famine on the Aegean Island of Syros."
        In Famine Demography: Perspectives from the Past and Present, ed. Tim Dyson and Cormac Ó Gráda. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  •     Lachiver, Marcel. 1991. Les Années de Misère: La Famine au Temps du Grand Roi. Paris: Fayard.
  •     Lomborg, Bjørn. 2001. The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
  •     Lumey, L. H. 1998. "Reproductive Outcomes in Women Prenatally Exposed to Undernutrition from the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort."
        Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 57: 129–135.
  •     Mokyr, Joel, and Cormac Ó Gráda. 2002. "Famine Disease and Famine Mortality: Lessons from the Irish Experience, 1845–1850." In Famine Demography:
        Perspectives from the Past and Present, ed. Tim Dyson and Cormac Ó Gráda. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  •     Ó Gráda, Cormac. 1999. Black '47 and Beyond: The Great Irish Famine in History, Economy and Memory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  •     Ó Gráda, Cormac. 2001. "Markets and Famines: Evidence from Nineteenth Century Finland." Economic Development and Cultural Change 49(3): 575–590.
  •     Pitkänen, Kari J. 1993. Deprivation and Disease: Mortality during the Great Finnish Famine of the 1860s. Helsinki: Finnish Demographic Society.
  •     Ravallion, Martin. 1987. Markets and Famines
  •     Riskin, Carl. 1998. "Seven Lessons about the Chinese Famine of 1959–61." China Economic Review 9(2): 111–124.
  •     Sen, Amartya. 1981. Poverty and Famines
  •     von Braun, Joachim, Tesfaye Teklu, and Patrick Webb. 1998. Famine in Africa: Causes, Responses, and Prevention. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
  •     Watkins, S. C., and J. Menken. 1985. "Famines in Historical Perspective." Population and Development Review 11(4): 647–675.

I posted this here for research.  An article was written using these references and I don't agree with some of the article statements.  I want to check the claims out.  I may delete this later.


My guess here on Cuba's latest problems with food production stem from a lack of cheap fertilizer.  During the Soviet era when Cuba was embargoed, they ramped up their own local food production to keep everyone reasonably well fed.  Likely they were abl to do that because although imports of food were embargoed and they didn't have the FOREX to pay open market prices, they were able to get cheap fertilizer.  Now that fertlizer prices have gone up and Cuba is competing for a limited supply with all the rest of the poor countries of the world, they aren't getting enough and can't meet their production goals.  Which generally means that Cuba will now depopulate fairly rapidly as food refugees stream to the FSoA where food abundance is still fairly common, although stories today also about the NYC homeless not getting enough rations also.

This problem is probably still a little ways off for most of the FSoA citizens who have been here a while and are "in the system", getting their SNAP cards every month.  Only a matter of time though before that begins to break down.  So enjoy your last helpings of fast food plenty and gorge on high fructose corn syrup soft drinks while you can.  We may finally see the end of Fat Amerikans.

Rationed food kept Cubans fed during the Cold War. Today an economic crisis has them hungry