- Alaska Housing

Started by RE, Mar 04, 2024, 12:31 AM

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Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 04, 2024, 08:23 AMI followed your link.  Your mayor's office seems more interested in solving a visibility problem than solving homelessness.  Keeping camps 'small' does nothing to help people but it does make police harassment save for the police.

Homelessness is a feature of the system.  Your mayor understands this.  And as a proponent of the system his answer is to make homeless invisible.  Out of sight, out of mind.

Your mayor is a piece of shit.

The mayor of Anchorage is no bigger or more stinky piece of shit than any other mayor in dealing with homelessness.  He does what is politically expedient with the constraint of how much money his constituents will agree to pay in taxes and what he can wheedle out of the state and fedeal goobermints to deal with his problems.  He's a middle manager in


I followed your link.  Your mayor's office seems more interested in solving a visibility problem than solving homelessness.  Keeping camps 'small' does nothing to help people but it does make police harassment safe for the police.

Homelessness is a feature of the system.  Your mayor understands this.  And as a proponent of the system his answer is to make homeless invisible.  Out of sight, out of mind.

Your mayor is a piece of shit.


Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 04, 2024, 08:23 AMI followed your link.  Your mayor's office seems more interested in solving a visibility problem than solving homelessness.  Keeping camps 'small' does nothing to help people but it does make police harassment save for the police.

Homelessness is a feature of the system.  Your mayor understands this.  And as a proponent of the system his answer is to make homeless invisible.  Out of sight, out of mind.

Your mayor is a piece of shit.

The mayor of Anchorage is no bigger or more stinky piece of shit than any other mayor in dealing with homelessness.  He does what is politically expedient with the constraint of how much money his constituents will agree to pay in taxes and what he can wheedle out of the state and fedeal goobermints to deal with his problems.  He's a middle manager in the corporate organiztional structure of politics, the lowest elected official controlling the smallest division of the conglomerate.  The POTUS is the CEO, The Goobernators the Board of Directors and the Mayors the factory managers who get the smallest amount of tax money to run their factory from their workers, the municipal tax payers.  Unlike the Goobernators and POTUS, he's the one left to deal with the social problem of the society with the boots on the ground and resources he can muster up.  Homeless too visible to the taxpayers in his city, he doesn't get reelected.  Taxes too high to pay for solutions, he doesn't get reelected.  Making the problem invisible without spending taxpayer money, he gets reelected.  Which door do you think he picks Monte?

Door #3, duh.  It's a no brainer, which describes your archetypical politician

Our mayor has the good fortune that his city population is small. open spaces where homeless can set up tents are sprinkled around, and in the good weather (anything above about 20F) quite happy to live outside in tents and portable or temporary shelters the build from available materials, aka  cardboard boxes, and beat up old cars which they can find at junkyards and get running just long enough to drive from the junkyard to where they will set up base camp from the spring until the onset of deep winter, which usually begins in Dec and ends in Mar.  Often enough though, it begins in Nov and stretches into April.  It is only during these months that he has to spend his taxpayer money to provide indoor headed shelters, because too many dead bodies being uncovered when the snow melts is also bad for his reelection poll numbers.  Taxpayers don't like having to step over dead bodies, even if most of them are poor, alcoholic and drug addicted natives.  They could trip and sprain an ankle.  It's a terrible probem and makes their lives miserable.  As long as the dead bodies are in out of the way places and there aren't too many of them in big, smelly, unsightly piles that draw flies and don't increase their tax liability, they're fine with that.  Mayor gets reelected.  Problem solved.

Because the total population is so low for the municipality and there is greater park area than the average city has available per capita, even a higher than average percentage of homeless can be dealt with group sizes at individual locations kept to 50 people.  This is less unsightly and smelly, and doesn't lower the property values of McMansion owners in the nicer neighborhoods for residential housing.  So these camps get set up either in Downtown where few people actually live, or in the lower middle class and poor neighborhoods.  The homeless self select the best locations and it's first come, first serve for the lng term homeless who know the choicest locations to set up base camp for the good weather months.  These spots are well hidden with close proximity to food foraging from food pantries where they get free boxes of food monthly and can supplement this nutrition with weekly shoplifting trips to the nearby food superstores, along with dumpster diving from the waste bins of fast food joints and fine restaurants.  The locations are safe fr them, the same people return and take the same spots every year, gradually changing ownership as the accepted owners of the spots die off.  They can be displaced from their spot if they are too late to set up camp and somebody new beats them too it, but if two homeless arrive at near the same time, the accepted spot owner gets the spot based on seniority. Spot owners can also be evited by their neighbors if they grow too sloppy and smellier than average, or become more violent and unpredictable as their drug habit worsens or they get off their legal meds, start hearing voices and decompensating and yelling to many loud obscenities at their unseen and unheard enemies they do daily battle with.  Their neighbors don't hear or see WTF the schizophrenic is arguing with, they only hear him, and when they tell him to STFU, he directs his anger at them and fights break out.  This disturbs everybody's Wa, so said formerly nice neighbor gets kicked out of his spot by the community HOA, and has to find a new spot to scream STFU at evry night from the top of his lungs.  Or maybe gets picked up by the cops and has his meds readjusted so he just drools and mumbles instead of screaming and fighting or breaking stuff.

At the end of the season when Jack Frost returns the cycle begins again, along with the mayor's problem.  The Gestapo and Sanitation workers show up to bull doze the tents and cardboard boxes or tow the wrecked cars back to the junkyard for storage and repurchase the following year by a new homeless person with $100 still left to buy it and a friend with a still working vehicle to tow it with a chain hoked to the bumper if they can't get it running.  The cops load the meat packages into buses and drive them to their winter homes at the shelters, until they fill up.  Then the mayor scrambles around in a tizzy to find motel rooms and money to pay for them in the city budget and stuffs more of the surplus in those.  When monet for that runs out, he sets up a group shelter in some unused warehouse or arena. for a while after covid it was Sullivan Arena, they closed that one, this winteer it was a waste management facility.  An apt location for the human waste warehoused their for the winter.  Some homeless still don't get a spot, so every year more bodies are uncovered, starting to stink as they thaw with above freezing weather.  The cycle is complete.

Was the problem solved?  Of course not.  It just gets worse each year as the economy crumbles and for cities in the lower 48, more human waste is imported from around the world.  That problem is not too large here, you can't ride a bust to Alaska.  We create enugh new ones each year locally though for the proble to worsen, and more affordable housing is just talked about not built, because ther's no profit in that for the capitalist builders.  The profit in being a real estate developer is in luxury housing, so that is overbuilt.  Rinse and repeat.  So it goes.



Why all the weird duplicates and out of order posts and whatnot?


Quote from: TDoS on Mar 04, 2024, 07:54 PMWhy all the weird duplicates and out of order posts and whatnot?

If you have not been around for about a week, things may look out or order and you may notice a few posts missing.  I don't know about duplicates.  Please be as specific as you can.  As far as I know things are all right, but big brother came in an deleted some posts they did not like about a week ago.

There should be no duplicates and everything should be working all right.  If big brother fucks up the database again they might find out the job is not as easy as it was last time.

I am not asking for trouble, but if games continue my countermeasures will only make what is going on more obvious.  As that is a goal I would not mind achieving, perhaps our audience who is allegedly in Singapore, Russia or Iran, but who is most likely on a U.S. military base might think about.  Do they really want me achieving that goal?

Because we all have better things to do.

Please let me know what you see changing so I know what to deal with.


Quote from: TDoS on Mar 04, 2024, 07:54 PMWhy all the weird duplicates and out of order posts and whatnot?

That one was my mistake while editing the Einstein photo.  I'll fix it.



Quote from: K-Dog on Mar 04, 2024, 11:08 PMPlease let me know what you see changing so I know what to deal with.
This was what I noticed at the top of the page I mentioned the issue on.


I frequently do edits if I see an error or if i can make an improvement in what I have written.  That can make the date of a post seem recent when all I do is correct a typo.  The post you quoted has a typo.

make police harassment save for the police

should be:

make police harassment safe for the police

I fixed it and now the 'last edit' of that post is two minutes ago.