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Started by K-Dog, Feb 17, 2024, 01:37 PM

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Ukraine Flees Avdeevka as Russian "Aggressive Attrition" Takes Toll

Biden has blood on his hands and with so little blood going to his brain I expect there will be more.  But the waste of money becomes ever more obvious.

There is an area where Ukrainians have been shelling Donetsk city for years.  It now is in Russian hands.  For months Russian forces have been destroying Ukrainian capability.  Running down their men and ammunition.  Now the Ukrainians fall back.

But Biden will give Ukraine and Israel more money.  We should say no.

The beginning of this video has a map with English names to match up with the Russian map.  In the Russian map the area is already shown as taken.  Which is correct.  The Russian Map shows where the Ukrainians fell back to.

Political DEATHLOCK,  Time for Biden to fold-em. 

But that would require blood flow to Biden's brain.  So blood will continue flow in Ukraine.



Oil is being pumped out of the country as fast as it can be.  The Ukraine war props up the American oil industry and bankrupts the rest of us.


Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 17, 2024, 04:35 PMOil is being pumped out of the country as fast as it can be.  The Ukraine war props up the American oil industry and bankrupts the rest of us.

Ukraine doesn't have oil.  It has pipelines that transit oil coming from Russia and Turkey.



Amy Martin describes the NATO machine.  A machine that does not support peace but domination.  War is a feature of collapse, and NATO will see us collapse.  Sooner.



This is dated.  Zionist have genocided many more thousand people since this video was made.

Time for revolution IMHO. But many more must die before that happens.  For now the anger can only build.

I am pissed.  You Tube age restricted the video so the gray screen will scare you away.  I am also sure that it keeps the algorithms 'in the know' to limit distribution.  I UPLOADED THE VIDEO TO MY OWN CHANNEL !

So do not be scared about the god damn gray screen.  The video is on my You Tube channel.


QuoteHi Keith Hayes,

We have reviewed your content and determined that it may not be suitable for viewers under the age of 18, per our Community Guidelines. As a result, we've age-restricted the following content:

Video: From the River to the Sea – A Call for the Liberation of Palestine

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What "age-restricted" means

We age-restrict content when we don't think it's suitable for younger audiences. This means it will not be visible to users who are logged out, are under 18 years of age, or have Restricted Mode enabled.
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Our age restrictions are in place to help viewers avoid watching content that they may not feel is acceptable for themselves or for their children. We review content on a case by case basis and will make limited exceptions for appropriate educational, documentary, artistic, and scientific contexts. Learn more here. 


Same thing happened to me. I had a similar type video exposing Israeli aggressions. Nothing was x/r rated except maybe a picture or two of rock throwing. They made it "private" and restricted.


Quote from: Knarf on Mar 08, 2024, 08:04 AMSame thing happened to me. I had a similar type video exposing Israeli aggressions. Nothing was x/r rated except maybe a picture or two of rock throwing. They made it "private" and restricted.

And 'they' also came into the Diner today and deleted your post.  I had to restore it.

Seems the U.S. government is at war with U.S. citizens.  They are taking it upon themselves to destroy private property.  We own the Diner, and we do not agree with censorship by outside sources.

Two posts deleted.  You and RE are both owed $100 by Uncle Sam.  That is what we are charging for deleted posts.  I'm sure your check will be in the mail soon.

While you are waiting you might like what JP Chapman says about all this.

The Most Dangerous Thing In The Western Hemisphere  -  Second Thought


How is that for a headline?

Is it absurd?  If so, no more than the dozens of headlines that grab your ears and eyes every day in  the FSOA.

Considering the oil and weapons money being made, my headline is not absurd.  It is in the category of amusing over-generalizations.  And less offensive than the headlines JP show in his video.


Would Vlad the Impaler actually DO that?  Because hitting the Brits is basically identical to hitting the FSoA.  It was the imminent threat that Hitler would invade England that got the FSoA into WWII much more than the Jap attack on Pear Harbor.  The Anglo-American Alliance precedes NATO and the ties between Wall Street and the City of London form the economic heart of Capitalism.

If he was to attack Brit targets, what would they be?  Would it be North Sea Oil platforms?  Pipelines?  Direct bombing of the British islands?  Hitting Brit targets inside Ukie borders is no biggy other than some political fallout if Brit soldiers are killed, but all that might do is get the Brits to withdraw any troops they have there, not their equipment and munitions.

How will the Brits respond to the threat?  Will they stop sending military hardware to Ukraine?  What kind of hardware do they actually supply?  Who are the bomb manufacturers supplying the Ukies, and where are their munitions factories?  What sort of identifying marks are there on the bomb casings that could be used to identify who made the explosive?

Of course, if you are goingto retaliate against the Brits if their hardware is used, logically you would also have to retaliate against FSoA or Israeli targets if their bombs or missiles are used.  Any of these retaliations is a direct escalation to WWIII.

It seems beyond reason that Vlad would actually do this.  War however often is not a reasoned outcome.  Diner opinions welcome.

Russia says it will strike British targets if UK weapons are used to hit its territory



Quote from: RE on May 23, 2024, 10:34 AMIt seems beyond reason that Vlad would actually do this.  War however often is not a reasoned outcome.  Diner opinions welcome.
Well, I will put in my 2 cents, representing about 1/3 of total active Diner opinions. I agree with RE. I think every time Putin has threatened nuclear alerts and issued other random threats, Biden has pushed into them and Putin turns out to just be a pussy. It is unlikely he would go after another nuclear armed power because...well....pussys tend to be pussys.

This doesn't help him of course.

No One Knows If Decades-Old Nukes Would Actually Work


Quote from: TDoS on May 23, 2024, 03:43 PMNo One Knows If Decades-Old Nukes Would Actually Work

Doubtful it would be a nuclear response, that's too disproportionate.  Either an attack on oil infrastructure or a military base would seem the most appropriate.  First though,there has to be some confirmed evidence of an attack with Brit weapons on Ruskie soil.  I don't think there has been one of those, and the only thing I can guess the Brits provide would be close attack VTOL Jets, aka the Harriers.  Or maybe Helicopters or drones.  I don't think they provide missiles, I think those are all FSoA manufacture or maybe Israeli.  They may provide tanks, but the Ukies are on the defensive, I don't think they are rolling tanks into Mother Russia.

It seems to be mainly political posturing to sway political opinion in the UK to join the Krauts in not committing so much aid to the Ukie goobermint.



Nord Stream already gives Putin reason and international justification to retaliate.  That Russia has not is strategic.  Russia does not want to play tit for tat while the economies of the west flush billions down the toilet while Russia builds military strength.

One nuke into Ras Tanura will ruin the economies of the world and Russia could easily do it.  But that would hurt the whole world so taking out North Sea oil platforms with small hypersonic nukes makes more sense.

Calling Putin a pussy promotes war, and I am not going to allow it.
  The next time I see Putin called a pussy someone is going into the cooler.  The fact is Putin is a civilized and refined man and I will not be intimidated into Bad rapping Putin because it is the American and British thing to do.

Putin will do what is in the best interest of Russia, whatever that is.  Guessing Putin would not have the stones to take out a large British Asset forgets that Putin might want to stop a shooting war where hundreds of thousands have already been killed.

John Bull arrogance may make a response necessary.  From Russia's point of view.


Calling Putin a Pussy is just another example of Tdos  need to insult somebody in every post.  He closed his last posts insulting me because I don't remember meeting an anonymous stranger at an open air festival attended by thousands of people.  He says he talked to me while I was cruising around on the scooter I bought, which cuts the number down to a couple of dozen faceless people I spoke with.  Meanwhile continuing to maintain I confirmed his identity, which I haven't and which he continues to refuse to do.  Pointless waste of time again, so further posts on that dead horse will result in a cooler trip also.



Quote from: RE on May 23, 2024, 06:53 PM
Quote from: TDoS on May 23, 2024, 03:43 PMNo One Knows If Decades-Old Nukes Would Actually Work

Doubtful it would be a nuclear response, that's too disproportionate.
Bullys generally stick to proportionate responses?