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Started by K-Dog, Feb 17, 2024, 01:37 PM

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Quote from: K-Dog on May 24, 2024, 11:10 AM
Calling Putin a pussy promotes war, and I am not going to allow it.
  The next time I see Putin called a pussy someone is going into the cooler.
I see. Because not only are the Men In Black watching and erasing seditionist posts related to oil but the new age KGB is concerned the opinion of 1 of the 3 Diner regulars might be...significant?


Never know who's reading, only who's posting.  There's usually a half dozen or so guests on at any given time.  Most today was 14.  They're mostly bots of course, but it could be anybody.



It's tough to fight a war these days without tons of high explosives.  It's not like the good old days when all you needed were some swords and battle axes which were reusable.  Even arrows could be collected from the corpses once all the bad guys were dead and  reused for the next battle.

Unfortunately those days are long gone and the stuff that makes bombs go boom and bullets leave a rifle barrel at supersonic speeds can only be used once, so you gotta keep making more of the stuff.  Where does it come from?  OIL of course!  TNT for instance is trinitrotoluene, a neat configuration of carbon atoms in a ring shape with Nitrate groups sprinkled around it.

Now, your barrel of oil straight out of the ground doesn't have much toluene in it, its mostly straight chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms sprinkled around.  That's why they call them "hydrocarbons" lol.  So to make the gobs of toluene you need you wanna start with just the fraction of oil in the barrel that has the right number of carbon atoms, 7. There's also Benzene occuring naturally in there that can be distilled out, it's already in a ring shape but only 6 carbons.  Precisely how much of these various fractions there are in any given barrel I don't know, that is something Tdos probably can answer for us.

There are also synthetic tricks you can use to take shorter fractions and hook them together to make longer ones, and take longer ones and chop them into shorter ones.  However, every additional synthetic trick you use to get the ton is TNT you need for a bombing campaign takes energy and makes the production more difficult and costly.

Finally, once you have the required amount of your basic toluene molecules, you need to add your Nitrate groups.  This you do sequentially using Nitric acid, catalysts, heat and pressure in some combination that gives you the good stuff at the end.  This is the tricky part because each Nitrate group you park on the ring makes it more unstable so it wants to fly apart and reconfigure very rapidly into hot gases which then further rapidly oxidize with the oxygen in the air and gives you your big boom.

Anyhow, this whole bizness besides consuming a lot of oil as the substrate consumes a lot of electricity  or heat to perform all these synthetic tricks and give you the explosive material at the end.  That's what munitions plants do.  I tried to find details on exactly how much energy it takes to produce a kilo of TNT in a munitions factory, this info is not EZ to come by.  EZ to find how much energy is in a kilo once it's manufactured, 4x106J.  About the same as a kilo of gas, just it's way more unstable and once it's detonated the reaction happens nearly instantaneously, it doesn't burn slowly to make gases.

Anyhow, it's not that important, just important is you need a LOT of the stuff to run a war and there aren't that many munitions factories around producing gobs of it all the time, they only ramp up production when they have a big war to supply.  Apparently, the munitions factories in Europe have not been able to meet the demand of the Ukies for enough bombs to match Vlad the Impaler, who probably has nearly as many munitions factories as the FSoA does, plus his own supply of oil to ake the bombs with.  Mother Russia is a one stop shop for bombs, no supply chain from other countries, no shipping of materials or completed bombs.  All relatively cheap for him since he gets it at cost. lol.  All the Western countries have to pay for the bombs they kindly donate to the Ukies so the stockholders of the munitions company make a profit.  So it's costing them more than it's costing Vlad to run this war.

This is not even counting the fact that there's a big difference in price of the missiles and artillery shells depending on how "advanced" the systems are,  and FSoA bombs tend to be expensive and technically complex whereas Ruskie bombs are cheap and stupid.  But they blow up pretty much the same. lol.

Now, the question is how committed are the NATO allies to supplying the Ukies with the bombs they need to match Vlad's relatively limitless supply when the Ukies can't PAY  for these bombs, except with promissory notes?  Somebody has to pay for it, because the stockholders are not in business as a nonprofit charitable organization.  If the German or Belgian taxpayers don't wanna fund it, then they need the FSoA to pony up the money.  I suspect at this point support for paying for the bombds is dwindling over there.

As we move forward here, energy and substrates for bomb manufacture are going to become a significant factor in prosecuting wars.  Ammo will become more scarce as well.  This won't happen overnight, but much more than WWI or WWII, producing explosives in the necessary quantities for big wars will be much more difficult.  In a major European theater war, the munitions factories for both sides are within EZ reach of cruise missiles.  We may be back to fighting wars with swords and battle axes sooner than expected.

There is an explosive flaw in the plan to rearm Ukraine



The FEAR level is being ramped up in media propaganda now, likely in order to bolster waning public support for backing the Ukies in the neighboring NATO countries.  How much the Ruskies are actually DOING right now of this sort of sabotage is an open question.  It quite difficult to PROVE any of these supposed acts of sabotage were committed by Ruskie "sleeper" cells supposedly in place since the days of the old USSR and Cold War.  Those sleepers are pretty old guys by now, unless of course you figure they had kids who have taken over the job from mom and dad and sit waiting for coded instructions to come in over the shortwave radio hidden in the basement. lol.

Besides old fashioned short wave and Rip Van Winkle saboteurs, the media propagandists also postulate Social Media is being used to recruit Gig-job saboteurs who will set fires at the local Mall for a few hundred Euros dropped into their crypto wallet online.  The one thing they don't mention is the possibility some of these supposed acts of sabotage are false flags executed by their own black ops security services in order to generate fear as they are blamed of the Ruskies.

This is not to say Vlad is not doing some of this, I mean he IS ex-KGB after all and if the operations had political or logistical value, I'm sure he'd consider using them.  I just don't see what that political or logistical value is right now to do so,  I don't think he needs to do this to reduce support for the war among Belgians or Germans.  At the moment, this type of action does more harm than good as far as his side is concerned.  REAL sabotage where munitions production or ammo dumps are sabotaged yes, random fires and telecommunication disruptions not so much.  It's hardly "unfair" war tactics though.  What do people think he will do if Ruskie assets are confiscated by Western banksters, sit on his duff and do nothing?

Definitely with both the trade war escalating with the Chinese and increasing propaganda surrounding the war in Ukraine, the geopolitical drift toward an expansion of hostility between the major powers has increased.  The only question is how it will evolve and what forms the conflict will take.

As Ukraine war rages, Russia activates sabotage plans in Europe: Experts



Where's Tony Stark when you need him?  lol.  Nothing like paying billions of dollars to FSoA military contractors for weapons that don't work.  Is anybody even held accountable for this?  You would think some general should be fired, right?  Except nobody even wants to admit the failures, and between the Congress who appropriates the money, the military planners who recommend the equipment and the contractors who build it, each group passes the buck on who's responsible.

Thing is, this stuff is just Small Potatoes, wait till real aerial combat starts taking place and $Billion$ in fighter jets start getting shot down by $10K shoulder fired laser guided missiles.  Aircrafte carriers and Dreadnoughts doing the Titanic when rammed by dozens of remote controlled speedboats and mini-subs loaded with high explosives.

The high tech stuff looks great in the movies.  IRL, not so much.

Ukraine War rips veil off of US weapons superiority



Quote from: RE on May 24, 2024, 08:11 PMNever know who's reading, only who's posting.  There's usually a half dozen or so guests on at any given time.  Most today was 14.  They're mostly bots of course, but it could be anybody.

Is there a point to putting this subject matter on the internet if you are worried about who is reading? Isn't that the entire point of doing this on the internet, to be interactive, get points of view out, managing those inbound to make sure they don't interfere with the notions of the site owner, etc etc?

Otherwise wouldn't you just lock it down, vet those who want to participate, background checks, whatever it takes, and then stop worrying?


It doesn't matter to me who reads it. I find the topic interesting so I write about it.  The bots and database intrusions are an annoyance, but they don't affect us much, just occasionally posts disappear and need to be  restored, which is a pain.  All part of the modern internet environment.



Quote from: RE on May 30, 2024, 06:14 PMIt doesn't matter to me who reads it.
I imagine that was true when you were the head dishwasher of the Diner, and I'll take your word that the same is true now. But the new head dishwasher does for some reason. The concern as to who reads this site is unclear to me. No one here is passing around nuke codes or discussing what info they have for sale to the Russians or anything.

It is no different than some folks who know each other and meet up for beers on a Saturday night because they don't have much of a social life the rest of the week. So why care that someone put a microphone in the peanuts?

Quote from: REI find the topic interesting so I write about it.
That is obvious and has been so since at least 2007/2008 when I first bumped into you. You aren't the only one. You haven't embedded nuke codes using steganography in your dissertations have you?

Quote from: REThe bots and database intrusions are an annoyance, but they don't affect us much, just occasionally posts disappear and need to be  restored, which is a pain.  All part of the modern internet environment.
Any pattern to what they erase? Besides my insight into the geosciences of course.


Quote from: TDoS on May 30, 2024, 08:05 PMAny pattern to what they erase? Besides my insight into the geosciences of course.

Mostly the more politically oriented analysis, not the Peak Oil stuff you generally respond to.  Not surprisingly, they aren't big fans of Marxist content.  Articles and videos which put a positive spin on Putin or the Palestinians tend to attract attention from the same IP addresses all the time.  K-dog likes keeping track of what they fish for I think.  Sort of a hobby. lol.



Quote from: RE on May 30, 2024, 08:23 PM
Quote from: TDoS on May 30, 2024, 08:05 PMAny pattern to what they erase? Besides my insight into the geosciences of course.

Mostly the more politically oriented analysis, not the Peak Oil stuff you generally respond to.  Not surprisingly, they aren't big fans of Marxist content.  Articles and videos which put a positive spin on Putin or the Palestinians tend to attract attention from the same IP addresses all the time.  K-dog likes keeping track of what they fish for I think.  Sort of a hobby. lol.


We have never had nuke codes or anything like that.  However I have been fucked with because I have been a bad boy.  I learned a few things in the fuckification process.

I triggered 'operational security' concerning some things I learned about Merican Troll farms run by Homeland Security and that started a wild ride. 

I also flipped GW Bush the bird when his motorcade passed me years ago.  This was when he was running for re-election.  Actually as it was driving towards me, and the motorcycle escort in front was freaked out.  I was leaving a war protest.  His head looked huge through the bulletproof glass.  There were an easy 100 cars in the motorcade and I kept my hand flag flying.  There must have been 100 guns and cameras on me.  I obviously had been waiting, and the route had been changed at the last minute.  Bush went to his fund-raiser from the north not the south as had been expected.  I really did freak them out.  I wanted to avoid the crowd on the south route.

But trying to publish what I learned about troll farms is what did it.

Things happened on my wild ride you would not believe.  In the process I learned my 'file' had been started decades before any of the flipping of the bird nonsense.  Or my discovery of Troll farms run by the Merican Army.  All it took was a visit to a communist bookstore, and I was on a list.  There are many lists.

This movie describes the experience I went through in many ways.  However the intent of Homeland Security was not to make my life fun.  The movie portrays  staged excitements.  Similar to what I went through.  A couple morality plays staged for my enlightenment.  Nazis would never have done that.  They would have shot me.  Fascism Lite is much better.  Same oppression I learned.  But a much better taste.  The overtime paid to the TSA actors I'm sure exceeds all the taxes I've ever paid.

It was a very wild ride.  Complete with gang stalkings.

On the main page I have had links to other websites.  At times these links have been changed to send me messages.  The new links somehow placed on a private website (mine) send personal messages, threats to be specific.  Suggestions that bad things could happen to me or family members if I am a bad boy.  The clean-out of posts a month or so ago was only the most recent of many personal attentions.


Genocide is now legal.  Israel extirpates the Palestinian Arabs.  A teaser of what is to come.

Forfeiting their right to exist in my opinion.  But the American ruling class are racist elitist assholes who can't get their heads past what they were told was 'good' when they were ten years old in Sunday School.  Passage of H.R.6090, the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023.  Now makes failing to praise the murder of Palestinian Arabs a crime. Calling Israel a fascist apartheid state.  Which it is, is now against the law.  Praise of the murder of Palestinian Arabs is consequently mandated by law.

Quote"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Yo daddy's America, and not this one.

This short video explains what congress has done.  And the understanding of the implications.

Proxy wars suspend real rights. 

America's racist elitists in congress and the Oval Office have an agenda.  The agenda is to enter into the promised land with.

F-35 Lightning II advanced stealth fighter jets. F-15 Eagle tactical fighter aircraft.  F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft.  AH-64 Apache attack helicopters.  M1 Abrams battle tanks.  M109 Howitzer self-propelled artillery.  M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems.  Patriot Missile surface-to-air missile systems.  The Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system is subsidized by the U.S. government.  Arrow Missile System anti-ballistic missile systems.  Mark 48 torpedoes for submarines.  C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft.  KC-135 aerial refueling aircraft.  P-8 Poseidon patrol aircraft.  HMMWV (Humvee) high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles.  M-4 Carbine standard issue assault rifles.  M-16 standard issue assault rifles.  M-60 Machine Gus.  TOW Missile System anti-tank guided missiles.  JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) GPS-guided bombs.  GBU-28 bunker buster laser-guided bombs.  Mk 84 Bomb general-purpose bombs.  Hellfire air-to-surface missiles.

A partial list of weapons the U.S. supplies to Israel.  To support this agenda, free speech is now further compromised.

Thou shall not kill.

Any Questions?


US seizes Scott Ritter's passport

The RT contributor was stopped from visiting Russia

The US State Department has seized the passport of former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, he told RT on Monday.

Ritter was on his way to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) when he was pulled off the plane and had his documents confiscated.

"I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said 'orders of the State Department'. They had no further information for me," Ritter told RT. "They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport."

Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, who later served as the US and UN weapons inspector in Iraq. He is also a RT contributor, writing about international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation.

He most recently visited Russia in January, spending time in Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg, among other places.

The most recent post on Ritter's Telegram channel put the Clooney Foundation for Justice on notice for its alleged crusade against "Russian propagandists."

"Here I am. In your face. If telling the truth about Russia makes me a propagandist in your book, then I accept the title," he wrote. "Bring it on. I'll school you on the First Amendment."

"You have zero concept of what free speech is. Try and arrest me and you'll find out. In spades. It's war," he added.

Caleb Maupin explains in detail.  It is a worth a listen.  Scott Ritter was set up by an undercover cop.  A very interesting story.  Scott is grounded for wanting to talk to Tara Reade among other things.

Scott is an American Hero.  As the foolishness of our American elites continue to worship a dead cold war, Scott's voice becomes ever more important.

* The title confusion is explained.

The murder by  U.S. money of Ukranians is out of hand and not meeting objectives.

The situation becomes more dangerous as the Biden agenda fails.  Trump or a nuclear war.  What is the best option?  Is there another way to dump Biden?

The tune mentioned by Scott in the video.  Never mind that the fucker who sings it owns the Rising Sun.


Quote from: K-Dog on Jun 04, 2024, 12:20 PMIs there another way to dump Biden?

The best (only?) hope is that he steps aside for the Lady Obamanator.  Or fortuitously drops dead before the election.



Quote from: RE on Jun 04, 2024, 01:14 PM
Quote from: K-Dog on Jun 04, 2024, 12:20 PMIs there another way to dump Biden?

The best (only?) hope is that he steps aside for the Lady Obamanator.  Or fortuitously drops dead before the election.


The Lady Obamanator.
Does the Lady Obaminator know that the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 adopted 11/1011995 "Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination" with 72 votes in favor, 35 against and 32 abstains.

Or is such knowledge inconsistent with life on Martha's Vineyard.


Quote from: K-DogScott is an American Hero.

I'll take my heroes lacking the sexual convictions and jail time thank you very much.

Why is it those who have a chance of being taken seriously have to wreck it with this kind of nonsense?