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Global Birthrate Decline

Started by RE, Oct 18, 2023, 10:24 PM

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Being unsure of what you are is a way to sidestep depression for a while.

About 5% of young adults in the U.S. say their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth

Is it an improvement?

No, obsession with self never is.  Biology has not changed.  This is collective insanity, there is no reasonable explanation better than that which does not involve pesticide poisoning or some such.

Not knowing who or what the fuck you are wastes precious time.  For which I have no time.  That is my choice.  If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.  But regarding the confused, live and let live.  Their life is their own.  I hope they find what they are looking for.


Quote from: K-Dog on Oct 12, 2024, 10:54 PMBeing unsure of what you are is a way to sidestep depression for a while.

No surprise here, this sociological demographic change corresponds directly to the increased acceptance of and popularization of alternative sexual relationships and lifestyles.

Back in the 50s on TV, even showing a married couple sleeping in the same bed was "risque".  Step by step, more things were depicted, and as the decades passed you got various "firsts".  The first queer couple, the first homosexual kiss etc etc until we reached the current norm, where every TV show and sit-com has to have a gay couple, a kid with two moms or a HS student agonizing over whether she wants to go to Prom with her Boyfriend or Girlfriend.  Everything is Acceptable, it's all Personal Choice and any negative reaction makes you Homophobic and Politically Incorrect.

Meanwhile, many typical male behaviors are now considered misogynistic and sometimes I wonder how any guy can approacj a female without violating some socialrule.  If you work with her, you worry you'll be accused of sexual harassment.  You can't be Macho, but at the same time you're supposed to have a Superhero physique.

Imagine yourself as a 10 or 11 year old boy or girl today, a typical age where kids get their first "Puppy Love" relationship and First Kiss.  Even though homosexuality had come out of the closet with the Stonewall riots in the late 60s, I don't think any boy I knew would have considered having a Boyfriend instead of a Girlfriend, I certainly didn't despite the fact my main circle of friends were other boys my age.  I didn't want to kiss any of them though, it never even crossed my mind.  Based on what I see on TV now, I think boys and girls who reach that age are being tacitly encouraged to put homosexual relationships on equal footing with heterosexual ones.  They're both OK, pick whichever you feel like.  In this environment, I'm kind of surprised it's only at 5% "non-binary".  I also can see why there are so many confused adolescents out there.

One thing is for sure, which is that this dynamic is a significant contributor to the cratering fertility rate globally.  To state the obvious but Politically Incorrect truth, Tranny Women aren't women.  They are just men with their reproductive organs amputated.  A non-binary woman can sport a butch haircut and buy a strap-on for sale on Temu, but that doesn't make her a man.  You CAN'T be whatever you want.  If you don't like the gender and equipment you were born with, you're free to get yourself surgically mutilated to have a different appearance, but it doesn't change your DNA and you are still a man or woman as you were at birth.  End of story.