The earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.

Figure out how to live in the worst-case. 
Or play Rambo in the woods, and max out your privilege. 

Your thoughts?

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I hate the term metacrisis, but truth is we have one.

Started by K-Dog, Feb 08, 2024, 11:41 AM

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Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 09, 2024, 08:50 PMWar is going to be a hard sell when store shelves are empty.  War sells when there is a chance for, something, not nothing.  The Democratic Party support of Israel and Ukraine could cook their goose in the next election.  War has not been giving the returns it used to.

WWII came on the heels of the Great Depression.  Then during the war, rationing was accepted as being part of the war effort.

Granted, the situation today is not the same and exactly how events will play out is impossible to predict.  A big difference is the possibility bombs would drop on FSoA soil.  Also, while shipping was disrupted in WWII, convoys still did get through.  In this age of hypersonic cruise missiles and ICBMs, it's hard to imagine how any ships will stay above the waterline at all.  So even if there is international war, it wouldn't last very long.

In the end, it doesn't much matter since international war will be impossible to keep going long.  Manufacturing high tech jets with computer chips on a production line is not gonna happen.  The cool hardware will all go down early on, fuel and munitions will run short and of course social breakdown at home.  At that point, all anyone will care about is where the next meal will come from.



QuoteWWII came on the heels of the Great Depression.

But you need a Pearl Harbor.  Before Pearl harbor America was going to ignore the mayhem in Europe.

QuoteIn the end, it doesn't much matter since international war will be impossible to keep going long.

That is my point.  Consequences will soon visit those who would start a war.  So only fools would do it.


Pearl Harbor was a manufactured event.  That would not be hard to repeat.

The consequences come either way.  War benefits the elite, it keeps them in control longer.



If there is going to be an international war then the most plausible scenario is one of proxy war. It is hard to come up with a good reason to fight Europe or any country wielding nuclear weapons so the obvious targets would be some Middle East country. The US is already giving beef to Iran so it is not such a stretch to manufacture some event to justify an attack on them or some other similar nation.

However, if the issues of food supplies and civil disorder become too great then I don't think war is feasible. There will too much going on at home to co-ordinate such a major attack. Unlike the World War II period the United States was not at major risk of a civil war. Countries experiencing social strive and civil war don't tend to start wars; the elites are too busy clinging onto power to do that.


Iran is a good choice, but to use Iran as a cover for problems here, TPTB would have to sell the idea that Iranians were responsible for hacking the electrical grid or pull off some really big terrorist action on the scale of 911.  That would be sufficient for a shock & awe style bombing campaign of Iran, but they would still need some continuing threats on home soil to justify full scale Martial Law.

It also has the downside that it could actually set off civil war here, since there probably would be a backlash from conscription to handle the war.  If we have Civil War before the Chinese and Russians, that puts us in the lead in the race to the bottom.  If we go to war, then unless they also face similar predicaments, it's not helpful over the longer term.

Now, China and Russia have similar energy problems to the ones here, so they also might want to distract their own populations with some foreign activities.  Russia is already in Ukraine, they might escalate that.  China has issues with Taiwan, that could be a problem.  Definitely, the longer the FSoA can keep it together, the better the chance those countries descend into chaos first.

Anyhow, there are so many variables speculating exactly how it will develop is kind of pointless, since we know where it's headed no matter what.  As always, the main question is, how long do we have left before TSHTF in SOME fashion?  The timeline appears to be getting shorter to D-Day.



Quote from: monsta666 on Feb 10, 2024, 04:40 AMIf there is going to be an international war then the most plausible scenario is one of proxy war. It is hard to come up with a good reason to fight Europe or any country wielding nuclear weapons so the obvious targets would be some Middle East country. The US is already giving beef to Iran so it is not such a stretch to manufacture some event to justify an attack on them or some other similar nation.

However, if the issues of food supplies and civil disorder become too great then I don't think war is feasible. There will too much going on at home to co-ordinate such a major attack. Unlike the World War II period the United States was not at major risk of a civil war. Countries experiencing social strive and civil war don't tend to start wars; the elites are too busy clinging onto power to do that.

WWII rationing is not going to fly in collapse.  People can't be expected to sacrifice if they are getting nothing for it, war will give nothing, and we all will sacrificing by the time resource war time comes.  We won't need a poster because that will be life.

The whole idea of resource wars was stupid.  For there to be a war there have to be resources to get.  The big brains never stopped to figure that part out.  They all knee-jerked right past it.


Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 10, 2024, 12:15 PMWWII rationing is not going to fly in collapse.  People can't be expected to sacrifice if they are getting nothing for it, war will give nothing, and we all will sacrificing by the time resource war time comes.  We won't need a poster because that will be life.

The whole idea of resource wars was stupid.  For there to be a war there have to be resources to get.  The big brains never stopped to figure that part out.  They all knee-jerked right past it.

What they would get out of a war is fewer Useless Eaters to have to share the food with.  If war cuts the global population down from 8B to 8M, there will be plenty of arable farmland left for the survivors, as long as it hasn't been poisoned with nukes.  The people who start the war just need to believe they will be one of the survivors.



Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 09, 2024, 08:50 PMI confess I once thought he was smart.  Nobody is perfect.  In March 2017, Weinstein wrote a letter to Evergreen faculty (100 miles away) in which he objected to a suggestion pertaining to the college's decades-old tradition of observing a "Day of Absence", during which ethnic minority students and faculty would voluntarily stay away from campus to highlight their contributions to the college.  He was a 'victim' and it all made sense at the time.  Then as time goes by I realize he sniffs out controversy and that I was duped.

Earlier today I tried to snag the the Putin/Tucker Carlson Interview.  Putin tried to make it clear that the Donbas is Russian.  Like the people living there.  Duh!

War is going to be a hard sell when store shelves are empty.  War sells when there is a chance for, something, not nothing.  The Democratic Party support of Israel and Ukraine could cook their goose in the next election.  War has not been giving the returns it used to.

* So according to Brett the Chinese aborted female fetuses to have more soldiers to send up at us through South America.  It was in the plan.  If you believe that, send Brett money.  You are a true disciple.

New Information.

I'm reading the BBC:

QuoteOf migrants from outside the Americas, the greatest increase comes from China. More than 37,000 Chinese nationals were detained at the US-Mexico border last year, about 50 times the figure from two years ago.

So taking this tidbit with what Brett Weinstein said, somebody in China who can legally move between Central America and China has set up a mom and pop business of enabling people who sign up for his service to travel the 'route'.  A route carefully selected to provide the business the most profit.  A real life board game.

Sign up for the service and travel legally to South America.  Go north and get over the Darién Gap and you can stay in the hostel for two days.  New clothes and a full backpack with socks and underwear will be waiting for you there.  A Chinese Coyote will finance your trip.  A prepaid card with a number you memorize and throw away.  Memorize the rest stops where you can use the number.

Which Brett Weinstein suggests is an attack by the Chinese Government rivaling an invasion by Attila the Hun.

What all this means is that eating out at a Chinese Restaurant will become the only Dine Out experience Americans will be able to afford.


Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 14, 2024, 10:05 AMSign up for the service and travel legally to South America.  Go north and get over the Darién Gap and you can stay in the hostel for two days.  New clothes and a full backpack with socks and underwear will be waiting for you there.  A Chinese Coyote will finance your trip.  A prepaid card with a number you memorize and throw away.  Memorize the rest stops where you can use the number.

Which Brett Weinstein suggests is an attack by the Chinese Government rivaling an invasion by Attila the Hun.

What all this means is that eating out at a Chinese Restaurant will become the only Dine Out experience Americans will be able to afford.

Actually, anyone who wants to immigrate from Asia, Africa or Europe goes to SA first because it's EZ to get a tourist visa to many of the countries down there.  They can pick up money along the way after that at any Western Union office (at Walmart and many convenience stores) as long as they have somebody in China to send money via wire transfer to that location.   That's also how they send money back home once they start making some.

The only problem here is they have to get from SA to Canada to cross the border legally into the FSaA, which means they have to do TWO illegal crossings first, unless they have a tourist visa for Canada.  If they have one of those, they can just fly straight to Canada before crossing into the FSoA and avoid SA completely.

To get from Mexico to Canada, they have to cross the border down there into the FSoA illegally, then take buses to upstate NY or Maine and cross illegally into Canada, then finally cross back into the FSoA legally and be processed by INS there claiming political asylum.

The only purpose I can see in this is that if you cross the border from Canada, you avoid the refugee camps down in TX and there's much less waiting time for processing by INS.  It takes more money and adds some risk due to the 2 illegal border crossings you have to do first.

The whole "Chinese Invasion" nonsense by Fucker Carlson & Brett Weinstein is typical fear mongering about the ChiCom Yellow Menace that Right Wing xenophobes have been spouting for time immemorial, going back to Joe McCarthy and further.  It's totally laughable, but it sells to the same Red menace phobia that has worked for generations.  Same old playbook there.

Fucker sells that because its mostly single men from China instead of families from SA it must be a covert military invasion. Utter nonsense.  It's mostly single young men because that's what China has too many of after years of the 1 child policy.  Girl babies were aborted in favor of waiting for a male.  Males who have been successful enough in China to get a wife and have a family aren't leaving.  It's the bachelors who dream of marrying an Amerikan female and getting a green card that are leaving.




Quote from: K-Dog on Feb 14, 2024, 11:02 PMWhat would they do with an American female?

The fantasy I imagine is that they would live in a nice suburban McMansion and drive an SUV to work and take vacations in Hawaii.  Basically the images they have seen in Amerikan TV shows and movies.  Reality has nothing to do with their dreams and aspirations.



They have to know American women are expensive.  Flying under the radar making twenty bucks an hour is not going to get anything going with a woman long term here, and the time between any short term satisfactions will be quite a while.  They are not coming here because they are horny.  They just want a better life than what they have.   


They don't dream of marriage due to horniness.  It's the GREEN CARD that comes with the marriage certificate.