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War, what is it good for

Started by K-Dog, Oct 13, 2023, 01:06 PM

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Nothing is the answer.

I have been ignoring the latest war.  Many like me I'm sure are doing the same.  Many like me are sick of this shit.

Old farts will remember the 6-Day war.  That was 56 years ago.  Same shit ever since, so excuse the fuck out of me if I don't give a shit.  My whole life I have been forced to support a war I don't have ANY say in.  If it had been up to me back then I'd have moved all the Palestinians to Arizona and make Israel pay for it.

This is a good time for Mint Press News.  For fucking sure.

If you don't like me talking French today, at least I am not beheading babies.  Like the London times claims is going on.

I wish more people would get upset at being lied to.  I really do.

January 6th rhymes with Mussolini's march on Rome.  So what does the latest bullshit rhyme with.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is what!

The Warsaw ghetto wall rhymes with?

Then  Now

Israel created a nation.  They put the nation in a prison.  A prison where the innocent have no future.  Now Israel has an Attica Riot.

  Could anyone guess this might happen?

It is an irony of life that those abused reflect the abuse they received.  Zionists learned well, they had the best teachers to learn how to run a ghetto.

Verryyy  Interrresssting.


Quote from: K-Dog on Oct 13, 2023, 01:06 PMIf it had been up to me back then I'd have moved all the Palestinians to Arizona and make Israel pay for it.

There actually were suggestions to drop a Jewish state into Arizona after WWII rather than establisg the Israeli state in Palestine as a home for the European Jews displaced during the war.  2 reasons that did not happen.

1- NIMBY - Nobody anywhere wanted a home for poor Jews in their backyard.  South America was suggested, but places like Brazil and Argentina were already staked out by ex-Nazis

2- NATO military beachhead- WWII was all about the Oil in the middle east.  Oil interests needed a military state there to protect their property and interests from the Muslims infesting the whole region.  So they dropped all the Jews in Palestine, called it Israel and had a spot to drop arms manufacturers and a perpetual war between the Jews & Arabs to consume truckloads of munitions every day.  There's a reason Israeli Uzis are among the best assault weapons on the market.  Arms merchants all over the world love 'em.  Even more than Kalishnikovs.

It was the British who established Israel originally, the 6 Day War was the effort by the Arabs to take it back.  They lost.  Since then, perpetual war.  Good business.




Historical context.  Abby gives it to you.  A context not accepted in American culture.

Can a settler colonial state be kind and gentle?  Maybe this guy knows? 

Rumor has it he says genocide is old school.  Civilization has progressed beyond brutal roots he sez.  I think not.

Kind and gentle requires beaucoup fossil fuels.  Deep pockets and a surplus to share or the brutal core of ignorant humanity colors the soul and shines through.  Sorry S.P.

Zionists need Lebensraum, it is their core ideological principle.  And when white phosphorus falls do Americans appreciate this stark expression of the reality of Zionists settlers walking the walk of their beliefs?  Do we feel excruciating burns searing through our skin?

Not so much.
QuoteTwo million people are caged like animals.  Denied water, electricity, freedom to move and medical attention.  What do you think is going to happen.  Do you think these people will retaliate?  When you torture people, and push them to the brink?  Of course they are going to.

And the dance that never stops goes on.  The retaliation will be retaliated against.  And that retaliation will be sanctioned by the empire.  Zionist apartheid enabled because empire needs an outpost in the neighborhood.

Watch Abby, you will learn something.  For sure.



Source of dubious 'beheaded babies' claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to 'wipe out' Palestinian village.

The truth is out,  But not before the 'fake news' was repeated by this guy.

Whoever he is. 

The bookend in chief.  He said he saw 'a video'. 

Now the truth  will make the sound of crickets.


The crucial context of Israel's war on Gaza | The Listening Post
Snagging this from Aljazeera was not easy.  Good context for whatever WTF is happening.

  A nation is murdered, and all the good citizens of the world.

Do nothing.


Billionaire Ray Dalio now is making book handicapping the chance for World War escalating up now at 50%.  Considering we've now got two healthy locations disposing of millions of rounds of ammo and tons of C-4 weekly in Gaza and Ukraine, you could make the case this is already World War, given one of the hotspots is in Europe and the other the Middle East.

How does it line up if it continues to escalate?  One would expect the Ruskies to line up with the Muslims despite not liking each other much on the principle of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  The Anglo-American led NATO alliance includes the Western European countries, and South America is mostly controlled by right wing goobermints controlled by the CIA.  When it inevitably spreads to Asia, you would expect reversal of WWII, with the Nips aligned with the FSoA and Chinese  now in the opposite camp with the Ruskies.

No obvious hotspot on the scale of Gaza or Ukraine has yet flared up in Asia, but Taiwan seems like a good possibility.  The Chinese have some serious economic woes and a whole lot of unemployed useless eaters of their own to keep busy with a war against the capitalist pigs instead of civil war and overthrow of the corrupt CCP, so they definitely have an itchy trigger finger.

Meanwhile, on the economic front,  Treasury auctions continue to go poorly and the vast majority of Amerikans are in a stupor wondering why the shelves at Walmart are so empty while Jeff Bezos launches his newest Yacht, twice the size of the TiTanic and powered by clean Nuclear reactors that can remain out at sea for the next 50 years fishing the pristine waters of the Antarctic hitherto untapped by the coomercial fishing industry that has fished out the entire Northern Hemisphere.

Relax and enjoy the show.

Hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio just put the odds of a 'hot world war' at 50%—thanks to 2 'brutal' ground wars in Ukraine and Gaza



After the provoked act and I say that's Hamas Terrorism, That provoked an act, the consequences of the state's solution of Israel is as serious as that of Hamas.  Because they're killing innocents you know. Without any criteria, they throws bombs wherever there are children.  Where there is a hospital.  Under the pretext of that a terrorist is there.   First let's save the children, the women there.  Then make the fight with whoever wants to do it.  I never I had heard news that children were preferred victims in a war.  The number of women and children who have already died, and the amount of children, we don't have knowledge of it in another war.


The problem here is that wars are no longer fought the way they were when Napoleon lost at Waterloo to the Duke of Wellington

or even when Montgomery & Patton took on Rommel's Tanks in North Africa.

Big armies don't meet up on empty swaths of land to duke it out mano a mano anymore.  Soldiers don't wear uniforms with insignias showing their rank, and if captured may have a name to give out under interrogation, but probably no rank and serial number on a dogtag.

Armies of people in places that are defacto occupied and controlled by another state are like the French Resistance fighters during WWII.  They are made up of the people who live in those places, and those people include men, women and children.  Regardless of age or gender, just about anyone above the age of 8 or so is enlisted in the fight against oppression.  Boys particularly by the age of 12 are already carrying a rifle, and all those clothes Muslim girls wear can hide a whole heck of a lot of C-4.  The battlefields aren't open farmland or desert sands, they're not even forests and jungles.  They are cities, towns and villages where people live, at least until the Death from Above comes raining down on them.

For the Israelis, or the FSoA or any state wishing to take populated places under their military control, they either have to go in and do house-to-house searches with commandos, or they have to bomb them into submission.  The first method takes a lot of soldiers and they suffer a lot of casualties, if they are even able to accomplish the task.  Method 2 takes few soldiers, incurs nearly zero of their own casualties and is pretty effective as long as they kill everybody in the village.  "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."  As of yet, there are no bombs smart enough to just kill the adults and leave the children standing.  Perhaps AI will fix this problem.

The other method less viually arresting but probably even more effective is another the Israelis are using, shutting off the water and power to the city.  This creates the "Humanitarian Crisis", forcing everyone to leave the place and be herded into refugee camps, where the oppressor can pick out all the men and label them as terrorists.  So they don't leave, and neither do their families.  Then the Red Cross tries to get bottled water and food into the war zone.

Bottom line here, Israel wants this territory.  Unlike many places, their birthrate is actually above replacement.  That means the Palestinians living there gotta go.  All of them.  Men, Women & Children.  One way or the other.